What is the essential conditions required for extinguishing fire for Class 8?

What is the essential conditions required for extinguishing fire for Class 8?

Answer: Because in water the component of oxygen and oxygen helps in combustion and extinguishing fire…

What are the essential condition required for combination?

For the formation of the proper molecular orbital, proper energy and orientation are required. For proper energy, the two atomic orbitals should have the same energy of orbitals and for the proper orientation, the atomic orbitals should have proper overlap and the same molecular axis of symmetry.

What are essential for a fire?

The fire triangle is a simple way of understanding the elements of fire. The sides of the triangle represent the interdependent ingredients needed for fire: heat, fuel and oxygen.

What are the three essential requirements to produce fire How is a fire extinguisher useful for controlling the fire?

To extinguish a fire we need to remove one of the essential requirement listed above to produce fire. So fire extinguisher mostly cut off the supply of air or to bring down the temperature of fuel or both….Three essential requirements to produce fire are :

  • combustible material.
  • oxygen supply.
  • Ignition temperature [heat ]

What are the 3 requirements to produce fire?

Oxygen, heat, and fuel are frequently referred to as the “fire triangle.” Add in the fourth element, the chemical reaction, and you actually have a fire “tetrahedron.” The important thing to remember is: take any of these four things away, and you will not have a fire or the fire will be extinguished.

What are three essential requirements for fire?

Three things are required in proper combination before ignition and combustion can take place—Heat, Oxygen and Fuel. There must be Fuel to burn. There must be Air to supply oxygen. There must be Heat (ignition temperature) to start and continue the combustion process.

What are the three things needed to make fire class 7?

To make fire fuel, heat and oxygen is needed. Wood, coal, gas are fuel, oxygen is available in air.

Is fire a form of matter?

The flame itself is a mixture of gases (vaporized fuel, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, water vapor, and many other things) and so is matter.

Is fire a liquid?

The flames are obviously not solid, nor are they liquid. Mingling with the air, they’re more like a gas, but more visible–and more fleeting. And on a scientific level, fire differs from gas because gases can exist in the same state indefinitely while fires always burn out eventually.

What is form of fire?

Fire is plasma.Fire is an oxidizing chemical reaction that releases heat and light. The actual flames that you see moving and glowing when something is burning are simply gas that is still reacting and giving off light. Plasmas are gases in which a good fraction of the molecules are ionized. 1.

What is fire considered?

“But fire is something else altogether. It is a chemical reaction that happens in a mixture of gases.” Simply defined, fire is a chemical reaction in a mixture of incandescent gases, typically luminous with intense heat. But candle flames, wood fires, and propane fires aren’t created equal.

How can we prevent fire at home?

  1. Unplug Items You’re Not Using. Excess electricity flowing through items in your home can always be a potential fire hazard.
  2. Use Surge Protectors.
  3. Never Leave Flames Unattended.
  4. Keep Flammable Items Away From Heat.
  5. Don’t Smoke In the Home.
  6. Put Out The Fire.
  7. Cut The Clutter.
  8. Remove Lint And Change Filters.

How do you deal with fire?

If a Fire Starts:

  1. Know how to safely operate a fire extinguisher.
  2. Remember to GET OUT, STAY OUT and CALL 9-1-1 or your local emergency phone number.
  3. Yell “Fire!” several times and go outside right away.
  4. If closed doors or handles are warm or smoke blocks your primary escape route, use your second way out.

How do you prevent and control fire?

Ways to prevent fire incidents:

  1. Avoid unattended or careless use of candles. No open flames are allowed inside any Tufts University building.
  2. Keep BBQ grills at least 10 feet from the house.
  3. Do not disable smoke or CO detectors.
  4. Do not smoke indoors.
  5. Do not leave your cooking unattended.

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