What is the fastest clicker in the world?
According to Recordsetter – a website that lets player post record for everything, Per the same website, Dylan Allred from Las Vegas holds the world record for most mouse clicks in 10 seconds. The data suggest that Allerd click the mouse 1,051 times in 10 seconds.
What is the world record for fastest clicks in one second?
15 CPS
What is the world record cps in 10 seconds?
The World Record of Most Clicks in 10 Seconds is 12.1 CPS.
What is the world record for most clicks in 10 seconds 2020?
121 clicks * Challenge It! Ben Hughes clicked his mouse 121 times in 10 seconds, a new world record.
What is the most clicks in 100 seconds?
The World Record of Most Clicks in 100 Seconds is 6.2 CPS.
Is 7 clicks per second good?
On average, most players would easily score between 8-10 clicks per second.
What is the most clicks in 5 second?
The world record for the highest clicks in 5 seconds is 15.4 CPS.
How fast is a click?
The term “klick” is derived from the word “kilometer.” So, one klick equals one kilometer.
What is jitter clicking?
Jitter clicking is just clicking your mouse as fast as you can with one finger, usually your index finger. Butterfly clicking is clicking your mouse as fast as you can with two fingers, usually your index finger and your middle finger, and therefore gives you a higher clicks per second if done properly.
Why is jitter clicking bad?
Yes, jitter clicking is bad for health. It can cause Arthritis or Carpal tunneling these are the issues that happened due to frictioning your joints above the limits and Jitterclicking is quite the same.
Is Butterfly clicking better than jitter clicking?
In jitter clicking you click fast while pointing your finger down, holding the mouse normally. It is considered a bit slower than butterfly clicking. The average person jitter click in click speed test is between 10-15 clicks per second. In this technique, you can click faster than normal clicking.
Is Butterfly clicking cheating?
As you know, butterfly clicking is explicitly forbidden on Hypixel and MMC. It is considered cheating.
How fast can you click with butterfly clicking?
Usually, with butterfly clicking, you can achieve click speed of 15 to 25 CPS (that’s insane!!). Below is a handy tutorial to see how to click fast using Butterfly clicking.
What is the average CPS?
According to our big data, the average CPS is 6.51, and the world record was said to 14.1 according to Google. People may get a bit higher score on mobile/tablet than desktop.
What is the average cps in 10 seconds?
Average person can easily click with speed from 5 to 7 CPS for 10-60 seconds. It is very common number and can be achieved with regular clicking technique. Anything higher than 7 CPS can be considered as good result.
Who has the highest CPS?
402 clicks * Challenge It! Tom Andre Seppola clicked three mouse buttons a total of 402 times in 10 seconds. He used the website www.pacraig.com/click to document the feat. (This record was also performed for 30 seconds in which he clicked 1,045 times, averaging 348 clicks per 10 seconds.)
How fast can you tap in 10 seconds?
Do you know the world record for most clicks in 10 seconds? It’s 14.2 CPS. Challenge yourself to beat it.
How fast can u click in 1 minute?
The World Record for the most number of Clicks in a minute is 9.2 CPS.
How many times can you hit space bar?
There is a spacebar challenge for users to press the spacebar up to 210 times in 20 seconds. It’s the highest score on the spacebar counter.