What is the frequency of flooding of river Ganga?

What is the frequency of flooding of river Ganga?

The main Ganga river experienced more number of flood events in 1994, 1996, 1998, 1999 and 2003. In the years 1989, 2002 and 2009, the river recorded ≤ 10 flood events. It is also seen that the river experienced frequent floods due to excess rainfall during the 2013 monsoon season especially in the month of June.

What is the frequency of flood?

Flood frequency . Means the probability of a flood occurrence. A flood frequency is generally determined from statistical analysis. The frequency of a particular flood event is usually expressed as occurring, on the average, once in a specified number of years or as a percent (%) chance of occurring in a given year.

How often does a river flood?

Even though rivers can vary greatly in their form, a natural river’s channel is almost always sized to carry the largest amount of water that flows through the system once every two years. Put another way: rivers in their natural state are “designed” to flood in approximately HALF of all years.

What is the reason for floods of Ganga in recent days?

In August 2016, heavy monsoon rains pushed the Ganges and other rivers in eastern and central India above their banks.

Which city causes more damage to the Ganges river?

The highest record was in Patna, the state capital of Bihar where flood waters reached 50.52m (166ft) on 26 August, up from 50.27m in 1994. Floods across India this year have killed more than 150 people and displaced thousands.

In which state is the Ganga not likely to flood?

Ganga Basin: The Ganga Basin gets flooded mostly in the northern part by its northern tributaries. The badly affected states of the Ganga basin are West Bengal, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh….Highest flood prone areas in India.

State Area liable to Floods (million Ha.)
Human Lives Lost 1579 Nos.
Cattle Lost 95,000 Nos.

Which state in India is prone to drought?

Drought Situation in India The drought hit states are Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Maharashtra, parts of the North-East, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Telangana. These states are home to 500 million people, almost 40% of the country’s population.

Which zone is highly affected by flood?

The most flood prone region of the nation is the basin of the Himalayan rivers covering parts of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal (Fig. 1). The Kosi and the Damodar are the main rivers causing floods here.

Why are floods so common in India?

The inter-annual variability of summer monsoon rainfall is also projected to increase through the twenty-first century. Increased frequency of localised heavy rainfall on sub-daily and daily timescales has enhanced flood risk over India. Increased frequency and impacts of floods are also on the rise in urban areas.

How much area of India is prone to floods?

around 40 million hectares

What is more prone to floods?

Any plain low-lying area adjacent to a river, lagoon, or lake is also more likely to have floods anytime the water level rises. This includes coastal areas and shorelines, as seawater can easily be swept inland by strong winds, tides, and tsunamis.

Where is the most floods?

Bangladesh is the most flood prone area in the world. Bangladesh is vulnerable due to presence of a monsoon season which causes heavy rainfall.

Which countries flood the most?

Countries Most Prone To Urban Flooding

Rank Country % of Total Area Covered by Low-Lying Cities; % of Total National Population Living Therein
1 Suriname NA; 52%
2 Netherlands 23%; 49%
3 Monaco 22%; 22%
4 Bahrain 21%; 24%

Which country has the worst floods?


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