What is the full meaning of luck?

What is the full meaning of luck?

1a : a force that brings good fortune or adversity Luck was a big factor in the outcome. b : the events or circumstances that operate for or against an individual The loser muttered something about bad luck. 2 : favoring chance also : success had great luck growing orchids. luck. verb.

What is a lucky girl?

The “lucky girl” hashtag tells the world that everything just happened easily, without lifting a finger. It’s like the girl you graduated with who just explains her amazing job with a shrug: “I just got lucky.” Women, it seems, are particularly prone to use the word “lucky” on social media.

What is short for good luck?

G-LUCK. Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

What is the full from of BF?

The definition of bf is as an abbreviation for boldface or best friend.

What is full form of Internet?

INTERNET stands for Interconnected Network that is a network system that connects millions of web servers. With the help of the INTERNET, the world is connected.

What is a full form of CCTV?

CCTV stands for closed-circuit television.

What is the Fullform of CD?

CDs are small plastic discs on which sound, especially music, can be recorded. CDs can also be used to store information which can be read by a computer. CD is an abbreviation for ‘compact disc’.

What is the full form of Prolog?

artificial intelligence In artificial intelligence programming language. The logic programming language PROLOG (Programmation en Logique) was conceived by Alain Colmerauer at the University of Aix-Marseille, France, where the language was first implemented in 1973.

What is the mean of BF?

BF means “Boyfriend” or “Best Friend”.

Is boyfriend a boyfriend?

Someone’s boyfriend is a man or boy with whom they are having a romantic or sexual relationship. Brenda and her boyfriend Anthony. They don’t know if I’ve got a boyfriend or not.

Does BFF mean boyfriend?

BFF is used a lot on social networks, on forums, and is one of the current acronyms on Facebook. Besides using BFF to refer only to close friends, we also have another acronym BF to refer to the abbreviation of Boy friend (boyfriend), or can also be understood as Best friend (best friend).

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