What is the GMT for Australia?

What is the GMT for Australia?

Australia Daylight Saving Time

State Standard Time
ACT Australian Capital Territory GMT+10
NSW New South Wales GMT+10
NT Northern Territory GMT+9:30
QLD Queensland GMT+10

What is 10am GMT Sydney?

Getting Started

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to Sydney, Australia ( in Sydney)
8 am GMT is 6 pm in Sydney
9 am GMT is 7 pm in Sydney
10 am GMT is 8 pm in Sydney
11 am GMT is 9 pm in Sydney

What timezone is GMT 10?

Time zones with GMT-10

Abbreviation Name
CKT Cook Island Time
HAST Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time
TAHT Tahiti Time

How far behind is GMT from AEST?

The Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is 10 hours behind of Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).

What is Sydneys time zone?

Australian Eastern Standard Time

Are Sydney and Brisbane in the same time zone?

The center of New South Wales is the same time as the center of Queensland. We are using the Australia/Brisbane and Australia/Sydney time zones. For more accuracy, choose specific cities for each location.

How many time zones are in Australia?


Which country has 2 time zones?

List of time zones by country

Sovereign state No. of time zones Time zone
Spain 2 UTC±00:00 (WET) — Canary Islands UTC+01:00 (CET) — main territory of Spain
Ukraine 2 UTC+02:00 (EET) — most of the country UTC+03:00 — Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics
Afghanistan 1 UTC+04:30
Albania 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)

What country is 24 hours ahead of USA?

nation of Samoa

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