What is the greatest source of atmospheric water vapor?
In fact, an important source of stratospheric water vapour is the oxidation of methane transported up from the troposphere. Future warming due to climate change and increasing concentrations of methane are both expected to lead to more water vapour in the stratosphere.
Is ocean to atmosphere evaporation?
Studies have revealed that evaporation—the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas—from oceans, seas, and other bodies of water (lakes, rivers, streams) provides nearly 90% of the moisture in our atmosphere. Most of the remaining 10% found in the atmosphere is released by plants through transpiration.
Where does the most evaporation occur?
Why is the amount of evaporation over the ocean greater than the amount of precipitation over the ocean?
The rate of evaporation exceeds the rate of precipitation over the oceans , which are therefore a net source of moisture; this moisture is then transported to the landmasses, which are a net sink for moisture, where precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration .
What’s left after ocean water evaporates?
Oceanic water is saturated with salt. The water is evaporated into the air, forms or goes into clouds, and then returns in the form of precipitation. This is what is called the water cycle. When ocean saltwater evaporates, the salt in the water is left in the water.
What do we say about evaporation?
Evaporate means to change from a liquid or solid state into vapor (like fog, mist, or steam). It can be used in a passive way, as in The water evaporated overnight, or an active way, as in The sun evaporates the water on the surface. The process of evaporating is called evaporation.
What is the another name of evaporation?
melting, dispersal, evanescence, disappearance, vanishing, escape, dissipation, fading, dehydration, desiccation, vaporization, dematerialization, dispelling, vaporescence.
What is evaporation Class 9?
The process of liquid changing into vapours even below its boiling point is called as evaporation. Some particles in a liquid always have more kinetic energy than the others. Thus, the fast moving particles of a liquid are constantly escaping from the liquid to form vapour. …
Whats the meaning of fade?
(Entry 1 of 3) intransitive verb. 1 : to lose freshness, strength, or vitality : wither fading flowers. 2 : to lose freshness or brilliance of color The fabrics faded in the strong sunshine.
What is the difference between dissipate and evaporate?
As verbs the difference between dissipate and evaporate is that dissipate is to drive away, disperse while evaporate is to transition from a liquid state into a gaseous state.
Can the sun evaporate clouds?
A cloud can be warmed by solar radiation and longwave emission from the earth’s surface. During entrainment, drier air incorporates itself into the cloud and induces evaporation. When air sinks, it warms adiabatically. Again, warming will induce evaporation and erosion of the cloud.
Where does water go after evaporation?
Once evaporated, a molecule of water vapor spends about ten days in the air. As water vapor rises higher in the atmosphere, it begins to cool back down. When it is cool enough, the water vapor condenses and returns to liquid water. These water droplets eventually gather to form clouds and precipitation.
What is the root of the word evaporate?
Evaporation comes from the Latin evaporare, which means “disperse in vapor or steam.” Depending on the humidity level of the air around it, any liquid will release some of its molecules into the atmosphere around it. That’s evaporation.
What is the closest meaning of evaporate?
1a : to pass off in vapor or in minute particles. b(1) : to pass off or away : disappear her ardor evaporated. (2) : to diminish quickly. 2 : to give forth vapor.
What is the root of condensation?
condensation (n.) c. 1600, “action or state of making or becoming more dense,” from Late Latin condensationem (nominative condensatio), noun of action from past-participle stem of Latin condensare “to make dense” (see condense). Meaning “conversion of a gas or vapor to a liquid form” is from 1610s.