
What is the gun lobby?

What is the gun lobby?

gun lobby in British English (ɡʌn ˈlɒbɪ) a group of people who argue for the right of members of the public to be able to own guns.

Why is NRA against universal background checks?

The NRA has said that universal background checks would punish law-abiding gun owners who might want to sell their firearms to similar owners who use them for sport, competition and, of course, self-defense. Current federal law requires background checks for guns sold through licensed dealers.

What are NRA 5 STAR benefits?

Add Value To Your Membership With 5-Star Savings!

  • Personal Firearms Insurance.
  • Life, Health & Accident Insurance and Travel Assistance.
  • Property and Liability Insurance.

Can you join the NRA for free?

What are the benefits of NRA membership? As an NRA member, you’ll get an official NRA membership card, a free NRA decal, and a free subscription to one of the NRA’s award-winning magazines. Plus, you’ll receive valuable NRA 5-Star Benefits that put hundreds of dollars back in your pocket! AND MORE!

What are the NRA six membership categories?

What are the NRA six membership categories? There are six membership categories: Restaurant, Allied, Faculty, Student, Nonprofit, and International.

What are the levels of NRA membership?

There is the basic membership, and then there are four life membership levels (life, endowment, patron, and benefactor).

How many member are in the NRA?

According to the NRA, their membership reached 5.5 million total members in 2018, a record high, and membership dues went from $in 2017 to $in 2018; an increase of $ or 33 percent. A 2017 Pew Research Center study found that 19% of US gun owners consider themselves NRA members.

What are the NRA magazines?

Media and Publications

  • NRA Blog. NRABlog is your connection to the firearm education, safety and marksmanship training programs of the National Rifle Association.
  • American Rifleman.
  • America’s 1st Freedom.
  • American Hunter.
  • Shooting Illustrated.
  • NRA Family.
  • Shooting Sports USA.
  • NRA All Access.

What is a NRA Junior Membership?

Junior Membership is for everyone under 18 years of age, it includes a special magazine, Insights, which is oriented toward young people and the shooting sports. Junior Members are not covered by the usual NRA insurance benefits and do not have voting rights. Regular membership includes some insurance.

What is an endowment member of the NRA?

Endowment, Patron and Benefactor members are eligible to vote in NRA elections, receive special recognition at NRA events, and are sent credentials including a certificate suitable for framing, a lapel pin, a decal, a patch, and a new membership card so you can proudly display your membership status.

What is a patriot life member of the NRA?

The Patriot Membership is the highest level of the sustaining life membership levels. This sustaining membership level requires a minimum $500 annual dues.

What does the NRA insurance cover?

NRA-endorsed Self-Defense Insurance Policies Protects your assets. Protects you if you use your firearm in self-defense, whether or not you have a concealed carry permit. Provides a combined self-defense and personal firearms liability insurance package.

What do you get with NRA life membership?

NRA Life Membership As a life member, you’ll not only enjoy regular NRA membership benefits for the rest of your life, but you’ll receive an exclusive Life Member credentials package including a membership card, certificate, shooter’s patch, lapel pin and decals—all attesting to your new NRA leadership role.

How long does it take to get NRA membership card?

4-6 weeks

Does the NRA have a family membership?

A: At the present time, the NRA does not offer Family Membership. Instead, many spouses of members take advantage of Associate membership and Junior Memberships are available for as little as $15.00. Q: How can I reach the NRA-ILA? A: Please contact the NRA-ILA at [email protected] or by phone at

Does NRA membership auto renew?

Find out more about NRA Life Membership! YES, please enroll me in NRA’s Automatic Renewal Program.

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