What is the heaviest element that really large stars can make by fusion?

What is the heaviest element that really large stars can make by fusion?


What is the most massive form of star?

The largest known star is UY Scuti, a hypergiant with a radius somewhere around 1,700 times larger than the sun. Its mass, however, is only 30 times that of our nearest star. If R136a1 swapped places with the sun, it would outshine our closest star as much as the sun currently outshines the moon.

How hot is the core of a red giant?

roughly 108 K

What changed about the star as you dragged it down the HR diagram?

What changes about the star as you drag it down the H-R diagram to simulate the White Dwarf phase? the temperature decreases and the radius decreases. the gravitational potential energy of the protostar.

Which type of star has the most fuel for fusion available?

Larger stars have more fuel, but they have to burn (fuse) it faster in order to maintain equilibrium. Because thermonuclear fusion occurs at a faster rate in massive stars, large stars use all of their fuel in a shorter length of time.

Do bright stars live longer?

The length of a star’s life depends on how fast it uses up its nuclear fuel. Heavier stars thus burn their fuel much faster than less massive ones do and are disproportionately brighter. Some will exhaust their available hydrogen within a few million years.

What is the order of fusion in stars?

Massive stars (greater than five times the mass of the Sun): When their hydrogen becomes depleted, high mass stars convert helium atoms into carbon and oxygen, followed by the fusion of carbon and oxygen into neon, sodium, magnesium, sulfur and silicon.

Why is there no fusion in a white dwarf?

Because a white dwarf is not able to create internal pressure (e.g. from the release of energy from fusion, because fusion has ceased), gravity compacts the matter inward until even the electrons that compose a white dwarf’s atoms are smashed together.

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