What is the importance of African literature?
African literature is not important only because of its relevant setting and relatable storylines. It also increases our social consciousness, and raises awareness of social, political, and economic crises that the African continent is facing.
What influences African literature?
To be sure, the Arabic, English, French, and Portuguese literary traditions along with Christianity and Islam and other effects of colonialism in Africa also had a dynamic impact on African literature, but African writers adapted those alien traditions and made them their own by placing them into these African …
What are some of the themes explored in African literature?
Apart from these, there are several other themes peculiar to African literature. Apartheid, Negritude, Assimilation, Racism, lack of education, dual identity of the mixed people etc. are some of them dealt with, in the powerful writing from the African Continent. However, every African writer is “two people”.
What kind of narrators are most often used in African literature?
The third-person omniscient point of view is one of the most flexible narrative techniques and is widely used in both European and African literature. One may see, therefore, how both Chinua Achebe and Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o made use of both African and European narrative elements when writing their books.
What is the nature of storytelling in African literature?
Storytelling is a shared event with people sitting together, listening, and participating in accounts of past deeds, beliefs, taboos, and myths. Repetition of the language and rhythm are two important characteristics of oral storytelling in Africa. Storytellers repeat words, phrases, and stanzas.
What is the purpose of African folktales?
African folktales are believed to have the power to hold the community together: the ancestors, the living, and those not yet born. They serve to communicate morals and traditions to the young in preparation of life’s obstacles.
What are storytellers called in Africa?
What are the characteristics of African poetry?
A functional art, African poetry in its oral and written forms has addressed a variety of themes, including worldview, mysticism, values, religion, nature, negritude, personal relationships, anticolonialism, pan-Africanism, neocolonialism, urbanism, migration, exile, the African diaspora, and patriarchy, as well as …
What is the message of the poem Africa?
David Diop’s poem “Africa” reflects his hope for an independent African nation, and the problems brought to the continent by colonialism. Through this poem and other writings, Mr. Diop attempts to give a message of hope and resistance to the people of Africa.