What is the importance of Article 32 and Article 226 of the Indian constitution?
It is essential that these Fundamental Rights are protected and enforced as well. To protect Fundamental Rights the Indian Constitution, under Articles 32 and 226, provides the right to approach the Supreme Court or High Court, respectively, to any person whose Fundamental Right has been violated.
Is Article 32 discretionary?
32 itself gives merely a discretionary power to the Court to grant an appropriate relief. It is urged that in a case where the petitioner has moved the High Court by a writ petition under Art. 226 all that he is entitled to do under Art. 32(1) is to move this Court by an application for special leave under Art.
Why is Article 32 considered as the cornerstone of the Constitution Upsc?
Article 32 falls under Part III of the Constitution that includes the fundamental rights of individuals. It allows an individual to approach the Supreme Court if she or he believes that her or his fundamental rights have been violated or they need to be enforced. Dr B.R.
Is Article 32 basic structure?
Article 32 Is An Important & Integral Part Of Basic Structure Of Constitution : Supreme Court. The Supreme Court reiterated the importance of Article 32 of the Constitution of India in a judgment delivered on Thursday. “Article 32 is an important and integral part of the basic structure of the Constitution.
What is the difference between article 32 and 226?
Article 32 empowers the Supreme Court to issue writ all over India. Therefore, the Supreme Court has broader territorial jurisdiction. Article 226 empowers the High Court to issue a writ in its own local jurisdiction only. Therefore, High Courts have narrower territorial jurisdiction as compared to the Supreme Court.
Can Article 32 be suspended during emergency?
These Fundamental Rights can be suspended during emergency by the President of India under Article 359. Under Article 32 of the Constitution, a person can go to the Supreme Court for the enforcement of these rights.
What is the meaning of Article 17?
Article 17 in The Constitution Of India 1949. 17. Abolition of Untouchability Untouchability is abolished and its practice in any form is forbidden The enforcement of any disability arising out of Untouchability shall be an offence punishable in accordance with law.