What is the importance of petals in a flower?

What is the importance of petals in a flower?

Functions and purposes In general, petals operate to protect some parts of the flower and attract/repel specific pollinators.

Why flower is called fascinating organ of the plant?

A flower is an organ of sexual reproduction in plants. It is reproductive part of the plant. The flower which has both male and female on the same plant is unisexual and the one which has both male and female on the different plant is a bisexual plant.

What is the function of flower petal in plant reproduction?

The function of flower petals is to help pollinate the plant so it may propagate. Each kind of flower evolved a different type of petal that aids that specific species. Flower petals aid in pollination because they attract insects, birds or bats to the plant in question.

What’s the function of the petal?

Petals (collectively called the corolla) are also sterile floral parts that usually function as visually conspicuous elements serving to attract specific pollinators to the flower.

What flower has 12 petals?

Houseleek is the only member of the Stonecrop Family to have 12 petals; most Stonecrops have but 5. If the petals are deeply cleft, to over half-way, then the flower can appear to have twice as many petals than what it does.

Which flower has 9 petals?

Flowers are snow white with 5 to 9 petals and approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter. Starflower is one of the more common spring wildflowers in eastern North America, occurring in both deciduous and coniferous forests.

What flower has 13 petals?

13 Petals: ragwort, corn marigold, cineraria. 21 Petals: aster, black-eyed susan, chicory.

What flower has the most petals?

The scientifically correct answer is buttercups, although the common English (and scientifically incorrect) answer is sunflowers. The family that has the truest petals is the buttercup family, the Ranunculaceae. Those flowers can vary in the number of petals, even within a species, but ten-twelve is a common number.

What is the prettiest flower on earth?


What is the most boring flower in the world?

1. Corpse Flower. Also known as Amorphophallus Titanum—the Corpse flower was voted by Britain’s Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) as one of the ugliest plants.

What is the nastiest fruit?


What is the stinkiest food in the world?

What the Hell Is That Smell?! Here Are the 10 Stinkiest Foods in the World (Consider Yourself Warned)

  • . Durian.
  • . Natto.
  • . Surströmming.
  • . Stinking Toe Fruit.
  • . Doenjang.
  • . Stinky Tofu.
  • . Lutefisk.
  • . Hongeo.

What cheese really stinks?

A semi-soft cow’s milk cheese that has roots in Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, Limburger is undoubtedly the first cheese people think of when they think “stinky.” It does smell quite a bit due to the fact that it’s a washed-rind cheese, which means there is bacteria growth on the outside of the cheese producing …

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