What is the least restrictive access control model?

What is the least restrictive access control model?

What is the least restrictive access control model? Discretionary Access Control (DAC)

What security concept states a user should only be given the minimum set of permissions?

The principle of least privilege is the idea that at any user, program, or process should have only the bare minimum privileges necessary to perform its function.

What is the principle of least privilege quizlet?

What is the principle of least privilege? The principle of least privilege dictates that you assign users the minimum set of privileges they require to do their jobs, according to their roles.

Which of the following principles asserts that a user or process must be granted access to only the resources required to complete assigned functions?

The Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP) The principle of least privilege (PoLP) refers to an information security concept in which a user is given the minimum levels of access – or permissions – needed to perform his/her job functions.

What are the security principles?

The Principles of Security can be classified as follows:

  • Confidentiality: The degree of confidentiality determines the secrecy of the information.
  • Authentication: Authentication is the mechanism to identify the user or system or the entity.
  • Integrity:
  • Non-Repudiation:
  • Access control:
  • Availability:

Which one of the following is an example of a nondiscretionary access control system?

Which one of the following is an example of a nondiscretionary access control system? Explanation: A mandatory access control (MAC) scheme is an example of a nondiscretionary approach to access control, as the owner of objects does not have the ability to set permissions on those objects.

What is role based access control?

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a security paradigm whereby users are granted access to resources based on their role in the company. RBAC, if implemented correctly, can be an effective way of enforcing the principle of least privilege.

What is the first step of access control?

Identification is the first step of access control.

What are the four processes of an access control system?

There are four processes that every access control system must employ to be effective in its purpose. These are: Identification, Authentication, Authorization, and Accountability.

What are access control procedures?

Access control procedures are the methods and mechanisms used by Information Owners to approve permission for Users to access data, information and systems. AUTHENTICATION. Authentication is the process of identifying an Information User by the User presenting credentials.

What is the physical access control?

Physical access control systems (PACS) are a type of physical security designed to restrict or allow access to a certain area or building. Common physical access control examples of access points include security gates, turnstiles and door locks.

What is the most important goal of all security solutions?

All information security measures try to address at least one of three goals: Protect the confidentiality of data. Preserve the integrity of data. Promote the availability of data for authorized use.

What is the most important goal of any security or protection system?

The goal of system security is to protect assets from harm.

What is the most fundamental aspect of security?

Much of computer security is about protecting confidentiality, integrity and availability. Authentication and non-repudiation may also be important in many contexts.

What is the most common type of device used to protect the perimeter of a facility?

The most common points equipped with sensing devices for premise perimeter protection are doors, windows, vents, skylights, or any opening to a business or home. Since over 80% of all break-ins occur through these openings, most alarm systems provide this type of protection.

Why lighting is the most common form of perimeter security devices?

Lighting is the most common form of perimeter or boundary protection. Facts to consider when implementing lighting are: Prowlers and casual intruders are deterred by lighting. Lighting helps guards see intruders and is necessary for most cameras to monitor the area.

What is the first step in designing a physical security system?

The first step in the process of designing a security system is to determine its objectives. To accomplish this step, the security professional must: -Characterize (understand) the facility operations and conditions. -Define the threat.

What are the 3 important components of physical security?

The physical security framework is made up of three main components: access control, surveillance and testing.

What are the four steps in designing physical security?

Businesses are constantly at risk of theft, particularly when their physical assets aren’t fully secure. The best way to keep thieves at bay is to break down security into four layers: deterrence, access control, detection and identification.

What is a good practice for physical security?

What is a good practice for physical security? Challenge people without proper badges.

How do you implement physical security?

4 Tips for Implementing Physical Security

  1. Define Physical Assets. Take an inventory list of the physical assets that need to be secured.
  2. Risk Assessment. Once that list is complete, now it’s time to assess all of those assets.
  3. Remove and Consolidate.
  4. Secure Assets.

What are the levels of physical security?

Three Levels of Physical Security

  • Outer Perimeter Security. The outer perimeter of a facility is defined by the actual property lines.
  • Inner Perimeter Security. Perimeter security secures the facility’s doors, windows, and walls.
  • Interior Security.

Why do we need to have physical security?

The objective of physical security is to safeguard personnel, information, equipment, IT infrastructure, facilities and all other company assets. The strategies used to protect the organization’s assets need to have a layered approach.

What is the least restrictive access control model?

What is the least restrictive access control model?

What is the least restrictive access control model? Discretionary Access Control (DAC)

Who is responsible for access control on objects in the Mandatory Access Control Mac model?

(2) Mandatory Access Control (MAC) – is a security access control centrally controlled by a security policy administrator. Users do not have the ability to override the policy.

What access control method is based on an identity?

Identity-Based Access Control is a simple, coarse-grained digital security method that determines whether a user will be permitted or denied access to an electronic resource based on whether their name appears on an ACL.

What is the name for a predefined framework that can be used?

What is the name for a predefined framework that can be used for controlling access, and is embedded into software and hardware? access control model. Only $2.99/month.

What security concept states a user should only be given the minimum set of permissions?

The principle of least privilege is the idea that at any user, program, or process should have only the bare minimum privileges necessary to perform its function.

Which access control model can dynamically?


Term access control Definition The mechanism used in an information system for granting or denying approval to use specific resources.
Term Rule Based Access Control (RBAC) Definition An access control model that can dynamically assign roles to subjects based on a set of rules defined by a custodian.

Why should account passwords be disabled instead of the account being immediately deleted quizlet?

ANSWER: Account passwords should be disabled (made inactive) instead of the account being immediately deleted. This serves to create an audit trail to conform with compliance issues, and also makes the reestablishment of an account easier if it becomes necessary.

What is the term for a network set up with intentional vulnerabilities?

Only $2.99/month. What is the term for a network set up with intentional vulnerabilities? honeynet. Vulnerability scans are usually performed from outside the security perimeter.

Which access control model that uses access based on a user’s job function within an organization?


What type of authentication is based on what the user has quizlet?

ANSWER: Multifactor authentication uses multiple types of authentication credentials, such as what a user knows and what a user has, whereas single-factor authentication uses only one type of authentication.

What statement is accurate in regards to adjusting frequency spectrum settings?

What statement is accurate in regards to adjusting frequency spectrum settings? Channel width determines how much spectrum is available to transfer data.

Which access control model is the most restrictive?

Mandatory access control

What access control does Windows use?

The Windows OS uses Filesystem ACL, in which the user/group permissions associated with an object are internally maintained in a data structure. This type of security model is also used in Open Virtual Memory System (OpenVMS) and Unix-like or Mac OS X operating systems.

What are the three advantages of a rainbow table over other password attacks?

What are the three advantages of a rainbow table over other password attacks? 1) Can be used repeatedly to attack other passwords. 2) Faster than dictionary attacks. 3) Amount of memory needed on attacking machine is greatly reduced.

How is key stretching effective in resisting password attacks?

How is key stretching effective in resisting password attacks? It takes more time to generate candidate password digests. It requires the use of GPUs. It does not require the use of salts.

What are the examples of key stretching algorithms?

See also

  • Key derivation function – often uses key stretching. PBKDF2, bcrypt, scrypt, Argon2 – widely used key stretching algorithms.
  • Hashcash – a somewhat related method.
  • Hash chain.

What is the minimum password length recommended by most security experts?

eight characters

What algorithm can be used to provide for key stretching?


Which asymmetric algorithm is used for establishing a shared key?

Which asymmetric algorithm is used for establishing a shared key? DH (Diffie-Hellman).

What is the biggest drawback to symmetric encryption?

The main advantage of symmetric encryption over asymmetric encryption is that it is fast and efficient for large amounts of data; the disadvantage is the need to keep the key secret – this can be especially challenging where encryption and decryption take place in different locations, requiring the key to be moved …

What application of encryption verifies that a document was sent by the person it says it is from?

What application of encryption verifies that a document was sent by the person it says it is from? Cryptography is the process of attempting to return an encrypted message to its original form. Decryption is the process of creating ciphertext from plaintext. The Vigenère cipher is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher.

Which encryption algorithm is one of the more popular symmetric algorithms in use today?

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

Which encryption algorithm is one of the more popular asymmetric algorithms in use today?


What is the newest version of the secure hash algorithm SHA )?

What is the latest version of the Secure Hash Algorithm? SHA-2 is one of the version secure hashing algorithms. It has six variations: SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA384, SHA-512, and SHA-512/224. SHA-3 is evolved as latest version after SHA-2.

What is the basic difference between SHA 224 and SHA-512 224?

2 Answers. As stated by FIPS 186-4 (6.6) The only two differences between SHA-512 and SHA-512/224 are the eight 64-bit words used for initialization, given by FIPS 186-4 (5.3. 6.1); and result truncation to the first 224 bits of the 512-bit result: H(N)0, H(N)1, H(N)2 each 64-bit, and the high-order 32 bits of H(N)3.

Which is better MD5 or SHA256?

The SHA-256 algorithm returns hash value of 256-bits, or 64 hexadecimal digits. While not quite perfect, current research indicates it is considerably more secure than either MD5 or SHA-1. Performance-wise, a SHA-256 hash is about 20-30% slower to calculate than either MD5 or SHA-1 hashes.

Why is MD5 bad?

While MD5 is a generally a good checksum, it is insecure as a password hashing algorithm because it is simply too fast. You will want to slow your attacker down. Generate a unique, cryptographically secure random value for each password (so that two identical passwords, when hashed, will not hash to the same value).

Which is more secure MD5 or SHA1?

Both MD5 stands for Message Digest and SHA1 stands for Secure Hash Algorithm square measure the hashing algorithms wherever The speed of MD5 is fast in comparison of SHA1’s speed. However, SHA1 provides more security than MD5. The has functions can’t be restrained.

Why is MD5 still used?

MD5 is still being used today as a hash function even though it has been exploited for years. Following in the footsteps of MD2 and MD4, MD5 produces a 128-bit hash value. Its main purpose is to verify that a file has been unaltered.

Is MD5 Crackable?

You cannot un-hash an MD5 hash. There is no way of “reverting” a hash function in terms of finding the inverse function for it. As mentioned before, this is the whole point of having a hash function. It should not be reversible and it should allow for fast hash value calculation.

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