
What is the main conflict of the Merchant of Venice?

What is the main conflict of the Merchant of Venice?

The major struggles of the play are Bassanio’s quest to marry Portia and his attempt to free Antonio from Shylock, so Bassanio is the likeliest candidate. Major conflict: Antonio defaults on a loan he borrowed from Shylock, wherein he promises to sacrifice a pound of flesh.

Why is Shylock considered a villain?

Shylock created a bond that stated if Antonio did not pay Shylock back, Shylock was able to cut out a pound of Antonio’s flesh. -Shylock is seen as the villain of the play because he has Antonio sign a bond that primarily focuses on the pound of flesh that Shylock wanted to cut from Antonio.

Why does Shylock want Antonio dead?

Portia asks whether Antonio is able to pay the money, and Bassanio offers Shylock twice the sum owed. She orders Shylock to have a surgeon on hand to prevent the merchant from bleeding to death, but Shylock refuses because the bond stipulates no such safeguard. Antonio bids Bassanio farewell.

What is Portia’s Judgement on the case?

This may be the case. It was noted that Shylock might have to take his own life and/or surrender all of his wealth. In the end, the verdict is that half of Shylock’s wealth goes to the state and the other half goes to Lorenzo and Jessica when he dies. He is also to immediately become a Christian.

Why is mercy twice blessed?

Answer. Answer: It is twice blest: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes. It means that when we are merciful, two people are blessed, the person who receives one’s mercy, and oneself, for our hearts are softened and we become blessed by the receiver’s gratitude.

Which does Portia say is more important the Sceptre or mercy?

‘The Quality Of Mercy Is Not Strain’d’ Monologue Translation It’s most powerful when granted by those who hold power over others. It’s more important to a monarch than his crown.

What according to Portia are the qualities of mercy?

Portia argues that mercy is better than justice. Mercy is abundant and freely poured on the earth by God, just like the rain. Portia says it is blessed twice because it blesses both the receiver and the giver of mercy. She says that the more power a person has the more mercy is a credit to his or her character.

Why does Portia talk so much about mercy as a quality of kings?

Portia adds that it is mercy that humans need most from God, suggesting that the merciful person helps both the one to whom he extends mercy as well as helping himself since God will see what he has so generously done and reward him.

How does Shylock respond to her words?

Answer: Shylock’s response to Portia’s request for mercy is to insist on the justice of his cause. As far as he’s concerned, he has the law on his side, and he’s determined to ensure that the terms of the contract he made with Antonio are fulfilled to the letter. PLEASE ADD IN BRAINLIEST.

What is Shylock’s response to the offer?

Shylock’s response to Portia’s request for mercy is to insist on the justice of his cause. As far as he’s concerned, he has the law on his side, and he’s determined to ensure that the terms of the contract he made with Antonio are fulfilled to the letter.

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