
What is the main idea of the story all summer in a day?

What is the main idea of the story all summer in a day?

The main theme in “All Summer in a Day” by Ray Bradbury is bullying, which is caused by jealousy and envy. Interestingly enough, Ray Bradbury has chosen to explore this theme in the context of a future generation that has the chance to travel between planets as a consequence of evolution.

Why do you think Margot does not fit in?

Expert Answers Margot, the young protagonist in “All Summer in a Day”, moved to Venus from Earth where she lived until she was four years old. Margot doesn’t fit in because she has seen the sun and has felt its warmth and light.

Why did the students locked Margot in the closet?

Why would the children lock Margot in the closet when they know how much the sun means to her? They lock her in the closet because they don’t like her. They resent her for having a memory of the sun and by forcing her to miss it, they are getting even with her.

Did Margot see the sun?

Firstly, it changed them because they found out that Margot was actually completely right about the sun all along. Also, they learned that they were the ones who were wrong and became more understanding. The children sympathize and understand Margot better after seeing the sun.

Why did the students treat Margot the way they did?

The children bullied Margot, and their bullying likely resulted in significant psychological trauma to them and to her. She would feel the pain as the victim, and they would never forget what they did to her.

What is the central reason the biggest crime of all that caused Margot was initially bullied by the other children?

Answer: The central reason of “the biggest crime of all,” that Margot who was initially bullied by the other children had caused was that she was different. She had not been on Venus all her life and the kids envied her “possible future” of getting to return to Earth next year.

What lesson does all summer in a day teach?

“All Summer in a Day” communicates the message or theme that envy leads to cruelty. In this story, the other children envy Margot because she is the only one of them who remembers seeing the sun. The others came to Venus when they were two, so can’t recall even one day of sunlight.

Why is Margot different from her classmates?

Margot is different from the other children because of her looks, her personality, and her experiences. Margot is “frail,” and she is fair-haired and white-skinned, so much so that she looks colorless, like a washed-out photograph. She keeps her distance from the other children rather than joining in their antics.

What do the flowers symbolize in all summer in a day?

I think the sun is a flower, That blooms for just one hour. It reminds her of the hope for the future, that she and her parents will one day return to Earth; in fact, they may return within the year because Margot misses it so, despite the fact that her father’s salary will be greatly reduced back home.

What is the irony in the name Saheb e Alam?

What is the irony in the name “Saheb-e-Alam”? Ans. ‘Saheb-e-Alam’ means the ‘Lord of the Universe’ but Saheb was oblivious of what it meant. Contrary to what his name represented, he roamed the streets with his friends, an army of barefooted boys scrounging in the garbage heaps to make both ends meet.

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