
What is the main message of the book night?

What is the main message of the book night?

One of the main themes of Night is Eliezer’s loss of religious faith. Throughout the book, Eliezer witnesses and experiences things that he cannot reconcile with the idea of a just and all-knowing God.

Who inspired Elie to write night and what was he to Elie?

Mauriac, who encouraged him to write about his war experiences. In 1956 he produced an 800-page memoir in Yiddish.

What happens to Elie’s foot?

When Elie is in the work camp, his foot swells from the cold, and a Jewish doctor tells him that he will operate on his foot. He tells Elie that the sole of his foot was filled with pus and that Elie, who fears his leg has been amputated, will instead be fine and will be walking in two weeks.

Why had so many prisoners died during the night?

Why had so many of the prisoners died during the night? They had spent three days without food or water, and as they were being deported, they had run for hours and were exhausted; when the train finally came, it had no protection from the cold and snow. The SS wanted to get rid of the dead bodies.

What happens to Elie’s father when he continues to ask for water?

Elie tries to get his father to a doctor and give him food. What happens to Elie’s father when he continues to ask for water? The other inmates get mad because of his groaning and his dysentery just gets worse due to the water. they didn’t feed them because they were going to die soon and it would be a waste of food.

What is wrong with Elie’s father?

Confined to his bed, Eliezer’s father continues to approach death. He is afflicted with dysentery, which makes him terribly thirsty, but it is extremely dangerous to give water to a man with dysentery. Eliezer tries to find medical help for his father, to no avail.

Why can’t Elie weep at his father’s death?

For Wiesel and his father, they stuck together until the bitter end. Why can’t Eliezer weep at his father’s death? He had no more tears but at the same time, his father was no longer a burden to him so he essentially was free. When he is finally free, Elie looks at himself in a mirror.

Why did Eliezer’s father not want him to fall asleep?

Why would he not let Elie sleep? He was afraid that if Elie really slept in the snow, he would never wake up. Elie and his father agreed that they would watch out for each other and not let the other fall asleep.

Why did Eliezer’s father smile?

When Eliezer falls asleep, his dad wakes him and warns him not to fall asleep—it’s dangerous to sleep in the snow. To sleep means death. Eliezer’s father smiles at him, and Eliezer wonders from which world the smile comes. This is his admission that his father hovers between life and death.

Why won’t the first doctor who comes along help Elie’s father?

Why won’t the doctor treat Elie’s father? He’s a surgeon and his father has dysentery.

Why did the prisoners leave Buna?

Wiesel and his father leave Buna because the SS have sent them on a forced march. Together, they respond to the long, exhausting march by making sure that together they could make it through. The two decided that they were still going to try for life no matter what. They knew that without the other, both would be dead.

How many prisoners survived the train trip to Buchenwald?


Why do the prisoners use spoons to eat snow off of each other’s backs?

The SS men were watching the prisoners eat the snow off of their neighbors back with spoons so that they would not be thirsty since they could not bend down.

How long were they at Gleiwitz Where did they go next?

three days

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