
What is the main point of the ring of Gyges story quizlet?

What is the main point of the ring of Gyges story quizlet?

The ring granted one the power to become invisible at will. Glaucon asserts that no person would act morally if there was no fear of being caught or punished. This tale proves that people are only just because they are afraid of punishment for injustice. No one is just because justice is desirable in itself.

What question does the ring of Gyges story pose?

In the Republic, he has the character Glaucon pose a challenge to Socrates. They have been discussing the question “What is Justice?” Socrates has refuted Thrasymachus who insisted that “Justice is the interest of the stronger” or might is right.

Where is the ring of Gyges?

Plato’s Ring of Gyges Gyges was a shepherd in the service of the ruler of Lydia. One day there was a violent thunderstorm, and an earthquake broke open the ground and created a crater at the place where Gyges was tending his sheep.

When was the ring of Gyges written?


What is really the moral of the story behind the ring of Gyges?

Plato argues that the Ring of Gyges- invisibility and anonymity- is the only barrier between a just and an unjust person. He argues that we would all be unjust if we had a cloak of anonymity. Injustice is far more profitable. We are only just because it is necessary.

What is glaucon’s challenge?

Introduction. In Book II of the Republic, Glaucon challenges Socrates to provide a defense of justice. “all by itself” (358d). In essence, Glaucon challenges Socrates to show that “justice is stronger. than injustice,” though Socrates must ignore the potential consequences or benefits of justice.

What is Plato’s answer to the question why should I care about justice for its own sake?

What is Plato’s answer to the question “why should I care about justice for its own sake?” Because it is part of doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with your God. Ajust city or soul, whose parts don’t interfere with each other, is more internally harmonious, healthier, and happier. Justice is good.

What is the difference between something being good for its own sake and it being good because of its consequences?

If something is good for its own sake then it must be good even when consequences are stripped away. For example health or pleasure might be good for their own sake. Prove that it has consequences, and then prove that those consequences are good and have some benefit.

Why is virtue necessary for happiness?

Happiness is not pleasure, nor is it virtue. It is the exercise of virtue. Since man is a rational animal, human happiness depends on the exercise of his reason. Happiness depends on acquiring a moral character, where one displays the virtues of courage, generosity, justice, friendship, and citizenship in one’s life.

What is an example of intrinsic good?

Money buys us things we like and is good because it gets us what we want. Other things are good because of what they are. This is called intrinsic goodness. Friendship is a good example of this.

What things are intrinsically good for a human being?

Intrinsic good: something worthwhile not because it leads to something else, but for its own sake alone; i.e., Good-in-itself. An intrinsic good is not a means to something else, as money can be a means to pleasure.

What makes something morally valuable?

Moral worth can be defined as a particular way in which an action or an agent are valuable, or deserve credit (or deserve discredit). The moral worth of an action then should not be identified with its value in producing good consequences or preventing bad ones (including the very performance of the act).

What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic evil?

Answer. Intrinsic evil is the opposite of extrinsic evil: It is an act which is naturally (intrinsically) evil, because the act itself is absolutely contrary to.

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