
What is the main theme of the Pearl?

What is the main theme of the Pearl?

In ”The Pearl” by John Steinbeck, the theme of the destructive power of greed is explored as the characters navigate their personal desires, destiny, and racism. We will explore the devastating effect of Kino’s sudden change from being poor but happy, to possibly instantly wealthy.

What are some themes of the Pearl?

What are the major themes in The Pearl?

  • Greed.
  • The Role of women in society.
  • Appearance vs reality.
  • Poverty.
  • Family.
  • Class differences.
  • Oppression.
  • Good vs Evil.

What happened to the Pearl in the Pearl?

Kino wakes as she leaves and pursues her, apprehending her just as she is poised to throw the pearl into the sea. He tackles her, takes the pearl back, and beats her violently, leaving her in a crumpled heap on the beach.

Did Kino sell the pearl?

Juana nurses Kino and tells him that the pearl is evil, evil, evil. The next day, Kino goes to sell the pearl. Unfortunately for him, the pearl buyers are all colluding with each other. No one offers him more than a third of the pearl’s real value.

Who went with Kino to sell the pearl?

Before leaving to sell the pearl, Juan Tomas warns Kino and Juana to get the best price for the pearl, and tells him how their ancestors got an agent to sell their pearls, but this agent ran off with the pearls. Kino had heard the story told as a warning of punishment against those who try to leave their station.6 dagen geleden

Does Kino die in the Pearl?

Eventually, he is murdered, pushed off a cliff, after Kino refuses to sell the pearl to the local buyers at the fixed price. While a major character and incident in the movie, this character did not even exist in the novella.

What is the moral lesson of the Pearl?

Lesson Summary The Pearl is a parable, a moral lesson, about gratitude and the dangers of greed. Because parables offer a moral lesson, being grateful for the things one already has serves as the theme.

What are three prominent themes in the Pearl?


  • Greed.
  • Family.
  • Wealth.
  • Good vs. Evil.
  • Gender.
  • Primitivity.
  • Man and the Natural World.
  • Power.

What does Kino fear in the Pearl?

Answer and Explanation: After finding the pearl, Kino acts fearful the first night. When Juana asks him what he is afraid of, he says he is afraid of everything. In truth, he is afraid of others will come to steal the pearl, and he is afraid of any misfortune the pearl may invite into his life.

What is the goal of the pearl buyers?

What is the goal of the pearl buyers? Are they successful in trying to buy Kino’s pearl? The goal is for them (the pearl buyers) to buy the pearl for as little money as possible. Their goal is to deceive Kino.

Why is Kino suspicious of the doctor?

For his wife’s sake, Kino says that the doctor was right, but in his heart, Kino is suspicious of the doctor, for he keeps remembering the white powder which the doctor gave his son. After an hour, the doctor returns, gives the baby another kind of medicine, and the spasms subside.

What does Juana symbolize in the Pearl?

In fact, Juana comes to view the pearl as a symbol of evil. Juana also symbolizes the family’s domestic happiness; the scene in which Kino beats her for trying to cast off the pearl thus represents Kino’s tragic break from the family he longs to support.

What kind of person is Juana in the Pearl?

Juana is loyal and submissive, obeying her husband as her culture dictates, but she does not always agree with his actions. Like Kino, Juana is at first seduced by the greed the pearl awakens, but she is much quicker than Kino to recognize the pearl as a potential threat.

What do the beggars symbolize in the Pearl?

The beggars were observers and gossip mongers. They kept track of the townspeople’s sins…. They were students of the expressions of young women as they went in to confession, and they saw them as they came out and read the nature of the sin.

How does Kino feel about the pearl?

Kino becomes obsessed with the pearl and his life begins to change drastically. Kino admits, “This pearl has become my soul. If I give it up, I shall lose my soul” (87; ch. 5).

Why does the doctor come what does he do the Pearl?

Why does the doctor come? What does he do? He wanted to treat Coyotito and to convince his father into giving the pearl. He does do this.

How does Kino keep the Pearl safe?

As Juana stares at Coyotito with concern, Kino realizes that he has been careless in not guarding the pearl. Without delay, he wraps the pearl in a rag, digs a hole, and buries the pearl in a corner of the brush house, concealing the hiding place from view.

How does the doctor find out where Kino hide the Pearl?

How does the doctor find out where Kino has hidden the pearl? He watches Kino’s eyes.

How does the doctor see himself in the Pearl?

The doctor is the ultimate embodiment of evil and greed in The Pearl. The opposite of what one would expect of a doctor, whose job is to care for others, he is selfish, indulgent, and malevolent, and cares only about his own wealth and pleasure.

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