What is the meaning of Aquarian?

What is the meaning of Aquarian?

/əˈkwer.i.ən/ a person born during the period 21 January to 19 February, who is believed to be influenced by the zodiac sign Aquarius: He’s an Aquarian.

What are the traits of an Aquarian?

People born under the Aquarius sign are said to be progressive, independent, intelligent, unique, and idealistic. Their elemental sign is air, the same as that for Gemini and Libra. Like air, Aquarians don’t have a single, clear shape and seem to defy categorization.

What are Aquarians good at?

Aquarians embody many professional strengths, including critical thinking, social consciousness, and assertiveness. These qualities can cloud the Aquarian’s better judgment and stunt their professional growth. However, positive Aquarian traits aid in professions in service, politics, and fine arts.

What is Aquarian energy?

Aquarian Roots The word “Aquarius” comes from Latin meaning “water-carrier, water-pourer.” Its astrological symbol represents water, but looks like an electrical jolt. And rightfully so—Aquarius connects us to energies of originality, eccentricity, freedom, radical expression, and epiphanies of all sorts.

What is Aquarius enemy?

Aquarius (January 20—February 18) The most likely enemies for Aquarius are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Though Capricorn wants to take control, Aquarius won’t allow it, Jaye says.

Why are Aquarius so hated?

Aquarians hate this bitter truth with a burning passion. These kinds of social games disgust an Aquarius—few signs are as unabashedly idealistic. These water-bearers have near-impossible ideals that they stubbornly cling to even when it goes against their best interests.

Are Aquarius good kissers?

Aquarius. Kissing an Aquarius is an experience like no other. This water-bearing sign is a warm, sensual kisser who isn’t afraid of getting a little weird and wild with their partners.

What makes Aquarius happy?

Aquarius LOVES surprises. Small gestures that show you care make them happy. They love to be caught off guard and feel that surprises are the best way to show love or friendship. Whether it’s a full-blown surprise party or something small, you’re sure to put a smile on the Aquarius’s face.

What sign does Aquarius hate?

12/13Aquarius- Scorpio & Taurus For Aquarius, another zodiac to not get along with is Taurus. Taurus is more relationship-oriented than Aquarius who constantly seek freedom, which causes trust issues for Taurus.

What are Aquarius weaknesses?

Weaknesses: Overly emotional situations, inability to compromise, hot tempered, apart. Aquarius likes: Entertainment, aiding others, struggle for reason, intellectual conversations, a perfect listener. Aquarius dislikes: Restrictions, incomplete promises, solitude, boring occasions, identities that have other thoughts.

Are Aquarius good in bed?

Open-minded, tolerant and undemanding – Aquarius makes a great sexual partner and friend. But if you’re looking for old-fashioned romance, and a lover to make you feel really special, the typical Aquarian is unlikely to fit the bill.

Where do Aquarius like to be touched?

Aquarius’ Favorite Body Part: Calves And Ankles Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac, always willing to stand up for what they believe in.

Who Should an Aquarius marry?

The most compatible signs with Aquarius are generally considered to be Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius. The least compatible signs with Aquarius are generally considered to be Taurus and Scorpio. Comparing sun signs can give a good general idea of compatibility.

Is Aquarius bad in bed?

Aquarius men are honest, especially at the wrong times. If you’re not performing up to his expectations or doing what he likes in the way that he likes it, he’s going to let you know and not always in the gentlest kindest way. If you don’t mind being criticized while having sex, then it won’t be a problem.

Does Aquarius fall in love easily?

Aquarius is another sign that doesn’t really need a romantic relationship in order to be happy. According to O’Connor, they’re very social beings. It doesn’t mean that Aquarius won’t ever fall in love. It just takes a really long time.

What is Aquarius favorite color?


Is 2021 a good year for Aquarius?

Welcome to 2021, Aquarius, and congrats on surviving 2020. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, Aquarius, and if you want attention, you’re going to have to allow yourself to be a little vulnerable and ask for support. Your task for 2021 is to break down your walls, as well as to learn to put yourself first.

Is 2022 a good year for Aquarius?

2022 Aquarius horoscope predicts some health problems – not very big, but take good care of yourself. June 2022 will be a great time to improve your social skills. You should spend more time with friends and meet some new people. There is also romance in June, but be careful – it’s not love.

Is 2020 a bad year for Aquarius?

When looking at the upcoming astrology, 2020 will be the worst year for these three zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. For starters, there will be six eclipses taking place in 2020, as opposed to the four you would generally experience annually, which will cause a bit of chaos.

Which year is good for Aquarius?


What is an Aquarius soulmate?

6 zodiac signs that are Aquarius soulmates are: —Aries. —Leo. —Libra. —Sagittarius. —Aquarius.

What is Aquarius favorite food?

Aquarians really love tart flavors, especially lemon. This quick and easy sautéed spinach is full of lemon flavor and packed with feel-good vitamins and minerals, both of which are other favorites of the sign.

How does an Aquarius look like?

Aquarius. An Aquarian will often have a slender, boy like body with a candid face. Most Aquarians have a natural head drop but always carry a genial look in their eyes. Their profile is noble and often have some small features such as the ears as well as thin lips.

Are Aquarius the jealous type?

The Aquarius is a token of independence and camaraderie. They are not known for being jealous. They like being friends with people of all cultures and backgrounds, and they are always full of new ideas. As a matter of fact, Aquarius people don’t go through jealousy at all.

Which year is lucky for Aquarius?

Why are Aquarius Heartbreakers?

Aquarius breaks hearts by trying to crush their partner with their “superior intellect.” This is because Aquarians usually have very staunch ideological stances. If their partner disagrees, or is not on the same intellectual plane, they demean them, and break their spirit by putting them down with their cleverness.

How will Aquarius die?

An Aquarius will die helping someone in need — at their own expense. They’ll pick up a hitchhiker that plays on their sense of duty and do-gooderness or get hurt while trying to rescue someone from an accident. They’re the kind of person you hope is around in a crisis.

How do Aquarius deal with breakups?

One of the darkest Aquarius traits is their tendency to be ice cold. Even though the Aquarius personality might revert to an unemotional, detached persona when going through a breakup, they’re actually really hurt inside.

Which zodiac sign is dumbest?

Because Pisces is the most suggestible of all the signs. What that means, Pisces, is that you are perceived as one of the dumbest signs of the zodiac, the “go-to schmuck” for gags, pranks and teases. You’re the astrological wimp, the one we all know as “too sensitive” and “too emotional.”

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