What is the meaning of Bravo Zulu?
not well done
How do Marines say hello?
Oorah is a battle cry common in the United States Marine Corps since the mid-20th century. It is comparable to hooah in the US Army and hooyah in the US Navy and US Coast Guard. It is most commonly used to respond to a verbal greeting or as an expression of enthusiasm.
Can a civilian say oorah to a Marine?
Also, can civilians say oorah? It is “oorah”, as long as it’s Marine Corps related. Since saying Semper Fi is such a trademark of Marine culture, it’s almost sacrilegious to proclaim the phrase without being a Marine. Yet, if it’s said to you, saying Semper Fi in response would suffice as a sign of respect
Why do Marines keep their right hand free?
Right Hand: Your spouse is required to keep his or her right hand empty in order to salute at any time. That means your spouse may need some assistance when carrying heavy loads
Why do Marines say until Valhalla?
It expresses a soldier’s wish for a combat death such that Odin will choose them to travel to Valhalla to aid him in the events of Ragnarök and makes the implicit assumption that his comrade also has that same desire.
Can you join the military instead of going to jail?
The judge would give someone the option of going to jail or joining the military. Today, however, that no longer happens. The United States Military is an all volunteer force and no longer accepts such recruits.
Do soldiers go to Valhalla?
Rather, the bravest and most skilled warriors are chosen by the valkyries to be brought to Valhalla; the valkyries alter events during the battle, redirecting arrows and making the terrain slippery or otherwise difficult to move on in order to get them killed.
Is Valhalla real?
Valhalla is Heaven, but Not for All Vikings So in this sense, Valhalla is similar to the Christian concept of heaven. As described in Old Norse writings, Valhalla (“hall of the slain”) is a great hall located in Asgard, one of the nine realms in the Norse universe.
Can I go to Valhalla?
According to the lore in Germanic heathenry, the ONLY way one may enter Valhalla is by dying in battle, actual combat and is chosen by Odin – not a battle with cancer or whatever modern day people may conceive of as a “battle”.
Can you die in Valhalla?
To answer your question, though: yes. a warrior must die in battle to go to valhalla, but not every warrior that died would go there. You have to truly enjoy fighting and want to fight even after death. It isn’t just a place for soldiers to go, but you have to truly enjoy the fight.
Who decides who goes to Valhalla?
According to Norse mythology, warriors who die in battle end up in one of two places. Half go to join the Goddess Freyja in her heavenly realm of Fólkvangr. The other half go to Valhalla, Odin’s glorious afterlife hall. It’s the job of the Valkyries to choose among them and bear them to Valhalla.
Where do you go if not Valhalla?
Although less famous, Folkvangr is arguably a more prestigious afterlife destination for a Viking warrior than Valhalla. Probably, like the dead of Valhalla, they were destined to fight alongside the Norse gods during Ragnarok.
What happens at Valhalla?
Valhalla, Old Norse Valhöll, in Norse mythology, the hall of slain warriors, who live there blissfully under the leadership of the god Odin. Thus they will live until the Ragnarök (Doomsday), when they will march out the 540 doors of the palace to fight at the side of Odin against the giants.
Is Hel Loki’s daughter?
In the Heimskringla, Hel is referred to as a daughter of Loki. In the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, Hel is described as having been appointed by the god Odin as ruler of a realm of the same name, located in Niflheim.
What would Loki’s daughters last name be?
At the end of the prefix, it’s dottir. For example, it it was Loki’s daughter it would be Lokisdottir. If it’s Thor’s daughter, Thorsdottir. So please, if you’re interested in making an Asgardian last name, do so correctly
Did Loki give birth?
Loki, in the form of a mare, was impregnated by the stallion Svaðilfari and gave birth to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir. Loki is referred to as the father of Váli in Prose Edda, though this source also refers to Odin as the father of Váli twice, and Váli is found mentioned as a son of Loki only once.
Who killed Hela?