
What is the meaning of Devoir?

What is the meaning of Devoir?

duty, responsibility

Is Devoirs masculine or feminine?

For instance, you’ll want to watch out for the masculine noun le devoir, which means “the duty” and les devoirs, which means “homework.” These two can be the most confusing. Devoir causes other problems in translation because it can mean should, must, ought to, have to, or supposed to.

What is the French word for students?


What is 13th in French?

[ˌθɜːʳˈtiːnθ ] adjective. treizième. her thirteenth birthday son treizième anniversaire.

How do you say 13 in different languages?

In other languages thirteen

  1. Arabic: ثَلَاثَةَ عَشَرَ
  2. Brazilian Portuguese: treze.
  3. Chinese: 十三
  4. Croatian: trinaest.
  5. Czech: třináct.
  6. Danish: tretten.
  7. Dutch: dertien.
  8. European Spanish: trece.

How do you say I am a student in French?

Basically, you would say “Je suis étudiant(e)”, but you would say “Je suis un(e) étudiant(e) actif(-ve)”.

What is a female student in French?

étudiant, élève, étudiante.

When did France start speaking French?


Is eleve masculine or feminine?

student [noun] (especially American) a boy or girl at school.

What does eleve mean in ballet?

An eleve’ is a movement in which a dancer rises up high onto the balls of the feet, or all the way up to full pointe, from flat feet. An eleve’ is simply a releve’ without the plie’.

Is chat feminine or masculine?

Most nouns that express people or animals have both a masculine and a feminine form. For example, the two words for “the actor” in French are l’acteur (m) and l’actrice (f). The two words for “the cat” are le chat (m) and la chatte (f).

Is Carte masculine or feminine?


French Spanish
1. carte (feminine noun) mapa (masculine noun)
2. carte (feminine noun) menú (masculine noun)
3. carte (feminine noun) minuta (feminine noun)
4. carte (feminine noun) Synonym: badge tarjeta (feminine noun)

What is la carte in English?

When a restaurant offers separately priced items, you can describe its menu as a la carte. The literal meaning of the French phrase is “by the card,” although it’s used in both languages to mean “according to the menu.” The opposite of a la carte is a table d’hôte, or “meal served at a fixed price.”

Is carte a word?

noun, plural cartes [kahrts; French kart]. menu; bill of fare. Compare à la carte. a playing card.

What is Carte English?

1 \ ˈkārt , -​e-​ \ Scottish. a : playing card.

What is a carte in Japanese?

一品料理 {noun} service a la carte.

How do you spell carte?

Correct spelling for the English word “carte” is [kˈɑːt], [kˈɑːt], [k_ˈɑː_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for CARTE

  1. cat,
  2. carrot,
  3. gate,
  4. CARTA,
  5. crate,
  6. cater,
  7. carty,
  8. curt,

Is carte a Scrabble word?

Yes, carte is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is Karute?

noun (common) (futsuumeishi) patient’s chart.

Is carte a valid Scrabble word?

How do you know if a word is masculine or feminine?

  • Most nouns referring to men, boys and male animals are masculine; most nouns referring to women, girls and female animals are feminine.
  • Generally, words ending in -e are feminine and words ending in a consonant are masculine, though there are many exceptions to this rule.

Is Chien feminine or masculine?

Chien is a masculine noun and is used to refer to dogs in general as well as a male dog.

Is Frere masculine or feminine?

Family Vocabulary in French

Masculine Feminine
Le frère [brother] La soeur [sister]
Le fils [son] La fille [daughter]
Le grand-père [grandfather] La grand-mère [grandmother]
Le petit-fils [grandson] La petite-fille [granddaughter]

Is freer a real word?

Freer is the comparative of free.

What is a mon frere?

English Translation. my brother.

Is family in French masculine or feminine?

‘Family’ in French is la famille (pronounced la fam mee), and the noun is feminine because the article in front of the noun – la- is feminine.

How do you describe family in French?


  1. Your immediate family. Les parents (parents, or in a more generic sense, relatives of any kind) La mère (mother) Le père (father) Le frère (brother)
  2. Your extended family. Les cousins/les cousines (male or mixture of male and female cousins/female cousins) L’oncle (uncle) La tante (aunt) Le neveu (nephew)
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