What is the meaning of eddied?

What is the meaning of eddied?

A drift or tendency that is counter to or separate from a main current, as of opinion, tradition, or history. intr.v. ed·died, ed·dy·ing, ed·dies. To move in or as if in an eddy or eddies: “The conversation among the new elite eddied around me” (Molly Peacock). See Synonyms at turn.

What is Eddy meaning?

eddy • \EDD-ee\ • noun. 1 a : a current of water or air running contrary to the main current; especially : a circular current : whirlpool b : something moving similarly 2 : a contrary or circular current (as of thought or policy) Examples: The strong gusts whipped up eddies of fallen leaves. “

Is Eddy a real word?

noun, plural ed·dies. a current at variance with the main current in a stream of liquid or gas, especially one having a rotary or whirling motion.

What streamlined means?

1a : contoured to reduce resistance to motion through a fluid (such as air) b : stripped of nonessentials : compact.

Why is streamlining important?

Why Streamlining Processes is Important Streamlined processes generally mean fewer errors and delays. Operational efficiency and quality of work can greatly improve as well. Ability to quantify processes to evaluate efficiency and identify potential improvement areas. Lower expenses with improved efficiency.

What is streamlining how is it useful?

Streamlining is a design that offers the least resistance to the flow of a fluid, especially air or water. Friction is minimum for a streamlined shape, which is rounded in the front and narrow at the back. It is useful as: Ship also have streamlined shapes to reduce friction with water.

What is the advantage of having a streamlined body shape?

A: Streamlining your body reduces the friction of movement to a minimum thus decreasing overall drag. For fishes having a streamlined body that is smooth helps save energy it would otherwise have to expend swimming.

What is an example of streamlining?

Streamline is something that has a shape that provides little resistance to air or fluid flow. An example of streamline is a slick, smooth aircraft. A line that is parallel to the direction of flow of a fluid at a given instant. A contour of a body constructed so as to offer minimum resistance to a fluid flow.

Do birds have streamlined body?

The bodies of all flying birds are shaped like teardrops. The streamlining is achieved by specially arranged feathers that reduce the friction that would otherwise act as a drag against the forward-moving body. TEARDROPS: The bodies of birds of all sizes share the same streamlined shape. Illustration by Larry Barth.

Why do birds have a streamlined body?

Birds have streamlined body so as to reduce the air resistance during flying. Whereas fishes have streamlined body so as to reduce friction in water and help them to move faster. it helps the bird to fly in the sky and maintain the balance in the sky and support them.

Which is the bird that can fly backwards?


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