What is the meaning of et al in research?
Et al. is short for the Latin term et alia, meaning and others. It is used in academic citations when referring to a source with multiple authors: Hulme et al.
How do you use et al in a research paper Harvard style?
If the work has four or more authors/editors the abbreviation ‘et al’ should be used after the first author’s name. It is also acceptable to use ‘et al’ after the first author if the work has three authors.
How do you write thesis in et al?
Modern Language Association (MLA) Style Manual: For research papers having three or more authors, MLA states that, for the reference list, the first author’s surname should be cited, followed by a comma, then the rest of the name, followed by “et al.” For in-text citations, the first author’s surname is followed by “et …
Can et al be used in a sentence?
Just write the sentence as you normally would. Besides the period, et al. For references with three to five authors, list all the authors in the first citation of the work, but abbreviate using the name of the first author and et al. for any additional citations of the same work.
How do you write et al in Harvard referencing?
If the work has four or more authors/editors the abbreviation ‘et al. ‘ should be used after the first author’s name. It is also acceptable to use ‘et al. ‘ after the first author if the work has three authors.
How do you do et al in Word?
If a document has six or more authors, simply provide the last name of the first author with “et al.” from the first citation to the last.
How do you cite two authors in Word?
With multiple authors, list all of their last names, separated by commas, and then add the year of publication in parentheses. Use the word “and” immediately before the last author’s name. Make sure you have a comma after the next-to-last authors’ name as well.
How do I change a static text citation?
If you want to make changes later, you must make the changes manually.Click anywhere between the parentheses of the citation. A frame appears around the citation.Click the arrow on the frame, and then click Convert Citation to Static Text.In the document, make the changes to the citation.
How do you edit in text citations?
CitationsOpen your EndNote library and your Word document.Select the formatted citation to be edited by moving the cursor to it.In Word’s EndNote ribbon, click the “Edit & Manage Citation(s)” button. Alternatively, right-click and choose “Edit Citation(s)”