
What is the meaning of fable?

What is the meaning of fable?

Fable is a literary genre: a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that are anthropomorphized, and that illustrates or leads to a particular moral lesson (a “moral”), which may at the end be added explicitly as a concise …

What is the synonym for fable?

SYNONYMS. moral tale, parable, apologue, allegory, bestiary. 2’the fables of ancient Greece’ SYNONYMS. myth, legend, saga, epic, folk tale, folk story, traditional story, tale, story, fairy tale, narrative, romance.

What is the meaning of word Urdu?

Princeton’s WordNet. Urdu(noun) the official literary language of Pakistan, closely related to Hindi; widely used in India (mostly by Moslems); written in Arabic script.

What is the meaning of LOL in Urdu?

laughing out loud

What is the full form of Boo?


Acronym Definition
BOO Build-Own-Operate
BOO Base of Operations
BOO Bladder Outlet Obstruction
BOO Born of Osiris (band)

What is OMG full form?

OMG is an abbreviation of the expression oh my God (or oh my goodness or oh my gosh) and in the domain of text and instant messaging, social media etc, has become a popular mechanism for expressing surprise or astonishment, e.g. She’s going out with Darren, OMG!

Where did OMG come from?

a common phrase frequently abbreviated as “OMG”, often used in SMS messages and Internet communication, and euphemised as “Oh my Goodness” or “Oh my Gosh”. The first attested use of the abbreviation O.M.G. was in a letter from John Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher to Winston Churchill in 1917.

What does OMC mean in text?

What does OMC stand for?

Rank Abbr. Meaning
OMC Original Male Character
OMC Oh My Carlisle!
OMC Oh My Cullen (Twilight fan slang)
OMC Oh My Chaos (humor)

What do you call like LOL and OMG?

Leetspeak. Words such as LOL (meaning laugh out loud), LMAO, and LMFAO make up what is called netspeak, also sometimes called chatspeak. A large number of people on sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter use these acronyms and abbreviations. Spelling may also be slightly altered in some words.

Can LOL mean lots of love?

Short for lots of luck, LOL is another way of wishing someone good luck. This term could also be used sarcastically, as telling someone they don’t have a chance. Although not as common , LOL also means lots of love and be something added at the end of an e-mail, letter, or another correspondence.

Are one word responses rude?

One word answers are considered rude because they are often dismissive, as if you can’t be bothered with the person or the question. For example, someone may ask, “Did you have fun today?” They don’t want a simple yes or no. They also want to hear why.

What do 1 word texts mean?

A one word text implies she either doesn’t want to text right then, she doesn’t want to text you, or she is trying to play games and see how desperate you are/doesnt know what to say. no matter what the situation, you’re better off not texting.

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