What is the meaning of LOL in Urdu?

What is the meaning of LOL in Urdu?

LOL is an abbreviation of Laughing out Loud. LOL meaning in Urdu is Zor ki Hansi, written as زور کی ہنسی in the script. It is a significantly new term coined in the late 1980s and has become popular with the rise of online chat platforms. The acronym has used as an adjective or a verb.

What is LOL in texting?

The online slang term, short for “laughing out loud”, is now so widely used that in March it was recognised by the Oxford English Dictionary. She texted me: ‘Our dog died LOL'” She clearly wasn’t alone: 51,854 people “like” this.

What’s meant by LOL?

Lol is an acronym of laugh out loud. It can be used as an interjection and a verb. Lol is one of the most common slang terms in electronic communications. Even though it means laugh out loud, lol is mostly used to indicate smiling or slight amusement.

What did LOL originally mean?

The pre-Internet version of the acronym meant “lots of love” or “lots of luck.” The online use of LOL might date back as far as the early ’80s in Calgary, Canada, when then-student Wayne Pearson coined the term with friends on Viewline, a bulletin board system that was a sort of rudimentary chatroom.

Is LOL bad word?

Nobody expects you to laugh out loud when you say LOL, but it’s okay if you do. It’s important to note that even though LOL is an official word, it’s not usually appropriate for many professional or educational settings. What’s more, some might also use LOL in a passive-aggressive way.

What does Ayy lmao mean?

What does Ayy LMAO mean? The phrase “Ayy LMAO” is an image expression meme, which is associated with the pictures or gifs of an alien, who appears to be drunk/stoned out of his mind. It is usually used as a reaction to something funny on the internet.

What is the full form of BAE?

Bae,” for example, is a term of endearment that is either short for “baby” or an acronym for “before anyone else.

What does WUW mean?

The abbreviation WUW most commonly means “What Do You Want?”. It is used to ascertain why a person has messaged.

What does WTE mean in Snapchat?

whatever. whatever is used in Texting. The word wte is used in Texting meaning whatever.

What does FTW mean in texting?

for the win

How do you calculate WTE?

WTE – The number of whole time equivalents (WTE) constructed by dividing working hours by 37 and treating anyone with more than 37 working hours as one WTE.

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