What is the meaning of Osculator?

What is the meaning of Osculator?

Definitions of osculator. someone who kisses. synonyms: kisser. type of: lover. a person who loves someone or is loved by someone.

How do you find the Osculator of a number?

“One-more” osculator means the number needs one more to be a multiple of 10. For example: osculator for 19 needs 1 to become 20 (=2 X 10), thus osculator for 19 is 2 (taken from 2×10 = 20). Similarly osculator for 49 is 5 (taken from 5×10 = 50).

What is Osculation method?

Osculation is the mathematical process of adding or subtracting the product of a whole number and the remainder of dividing a number by 10, to or from the whole number result of dividing a number by 10.

How do you use Osculator in a sentence?

And still it kept slowly osculating. He hasn’t osculated me once since I came. Osculant: intermediate in character between two groups or series. The implant of the osculation was destined for her cheek.

What is Perfidiousness?

adjective. deliberately faithless; treacherous; deceitful: a perfidious lover.

What does Gasconading mean?

noun. The action of boasting extravagantly; swagger, gasconade.

What are the 5 longest words?

10 Longest Words in the English Language

  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34 letters)
  • Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters)
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters)
  • Antidisestablishmentarianism (28 letters)
  • Honorificabilitudinitatibus (27 letters)

What is a Ninnyhammer?

noun. a fool or simpleton; ninny.

What is Agathokakological?

: composed of both good and evil.

What does Forrader mean in English?

a forward direction

What is a Zounderkite?

Zounderkite. This is a Victorian word meaning “idiot.” An appropriate example with a contemporary angle (spoken with some irritation while driving on the highway): “That zounderkite just cut me off!”

What is an example of an insult?

The definition of an insult is a rude or offending remark. An example of insult is calling someone stupid.

Is Zounderkite a bad word?

Zounderkite. Definition: A complete idiot who constantly makes clumsy and awkward mistakes.

Did Victorians swear?

The Victorian Era being as moralizing as it was, swearing in polite society faded away (With the exception of the military). A lot of minced religious swearing became common – “Jiminy Cricket!”, “Gee Whiskers!”, “Crikey!”, “Gosh!”, etc, in place of words/phrases like “Jesus Christ!”, “Christ!”, and “God!”.

Was the F word used in the 1800s?

It was simply a direct and increasingly impolite word for sexual intercourse. Only in the early to mid-nineteenth century did it begin to be used non-literally, as most swearwords are, to insult and offend others, to relieve pain, and to express extremes of emotion, negative and positive.

Was the F word used in the 1950s?

The F word was not used in our home in the 1950s or 1960s. Swearing was fairly common in blue-collar work environments and the military, which were exclusively male or nearly so.

What are the 13 swear words?

damn, jerk, ugly, stupid, fart knocker…. Or he could be legitimately swearing like a sailor, in which case he’d be using Elizabethan English: Block, stone, fool, beslubbering, bawdy, yeasty, vassal, rank, pox-marked, pus-filled, vagrant, tooth-spitting, filthy, villainous, wretch, etc.

What is the magic F-word that turns a girl on?

The magic F-word is “friend”. Apparently, if you throw thins word in a convo, she is 3 tImEs MoRe LiKeLy to want to sleep with you. Say “Haha, thanks for doing this with me, friend.” Or some other iteration of this She will see it as a challenge and it will increase her attraction towards you.

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