What is the meaning of supposedly?

What is the meaning of supposedly?

as is supposed

How do you use supposedly?

Supposedly sentence example

  1. from the town, is supposedly British, of unknown date.
  2. Incidentally, he supposedly came on the radar as a result of a tip from this man or woman everyone’s read about; the so-called psychic tipster person.
  3. It made her mind leap until she recalled she was supposedly on a spaceship.

What type of word is supposedly?

Supposedly is an adverb based on the word supposed. Supposedly is used to express doubt that something is what people say it is. It is a synonym of the word allegedly. The word supposedly is used when a person has heard information about something, such as from the news or the rumors going around town.

What is the difference between supposedly and supposedly?

Supposably means “as may be conceived or imagined” and is the adverb form of supposable, which means “capable of being supposed or conceived.” On the other hand, supposedly usually means “allegedly.” The words are often conflated when one usually intends to say “supposedly.” The two words have distinct meanings.

What’s another word for supposedly?

In this page you can discover 13 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for supposedly, like: apparently, probably, supposably, seemingly, believably, purportedly, allegedly, ostensibly, despot, ideologist and moralism.

Is supposedly proper English?

Trick to Remember the Difference It’s not difficult to differentiate these spellings since only one of them in used in written English. Supposedly is the correct spelling. Supposably is a misspelling.

Is supposed a word?

Supposed—Is There a Difference? Supposed to is part of a modal verb phrase meaning expected to or required to. Suppose (without the d) should only be used as the present tense of the verb meaning to assume (something to be true).

What is a suppose?

verb (used with object), sup·posed, sup·pos·ing. to assume (something), as for the sake of argument or as part of a proposition or theory: Suppose the distance to be one mile. to consider (something) as a possibility suggested or an idea or plan proposed: Suppose we wait until tomorrow.

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