What is the meaning of target games?

What is the meaning of target games?

Target Games are activities in which players send an object toward a target while avoiding any obstacles. By playing these games, participants will learn the key skills and strategies for games such as Croquet, Golf, Archery, Boccia, Curling and Bowling.

What are the rules of Draughts?

Polish Draughts

  • Un-crowned pieces can only move diagonally forwards but can capture diagonally forwards AND backwards.
  • A Queen moves by diagonally traversing any number of unoccupied squares.
  • Capturing is compulsory and where there is a choice, the move that captures the greatest number of pieces must be made.

Can you jump backwards in Draughts?

Draughts is a game for two players. The draughts can be moved diagonally forwards one square at a time. They cannot move backwards. Once a piece reaches the opponents back row it is crowned and becomes a king.

How do you win Draughts?

Basic Strategies for Winning at Checkers

  1. Control the Center.
  2. Checkers Is Not a Game That Can Be Won by Playing Defensively.
  3. Your Goal Should Be Getting a Checker to the End of the Board.
  4. Advance en Masse.
  5. Be Willing to Sacrifice a Checker If Necessary.
  6. Use Forced Moves to Your Advantage.
  7. Leave Your Home Row Checkers Until You Need Them.

What is a huff in Draughts?

Huffing is a rule used in some board games, such as Alquerque, Asalto and traditional and informal English draughts (checkers). By this rule, a player who fails to make a capturing move when one is available is penalised by having the piece that could have performed the capture huffed, i.e. removed from the board.

Can you jump a king in Draughts?

Men can jump diagonally forward only; kings can jump in any diagonal direction. A jumped piece is considered “captured” and removed from the game. Any piece, king or man, can jump a king.

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