
What is the meaning of two third majority?

What is the meaning of two third majority?

A two-thirds vote, when unqualified, means two-thirds or more of the votes cast. For example, if an organization has 150 members and at a meeting 30 members are present with 25 votes cast, a “two-thirds vote” would be 17.

What is the meaning of two third in percentage?

23×100%=2003%=6623% The thirds are a problem because they end up as recurring decimals. 13 is commonly given as 3313%or33.3%

What is two third of a day?

Answer. Answer: The answer is 16 hours.

What’s the meaning of two third?

also two thirds. quantifier. Two-thirds of something is an amount that is two out of three equal parts of it.

What fraction of a week is a day?

So if we need to find 1 day as the fraction of 1 week, then as 1 day is equivalent to 24 hours and 1 week is equivalent to 168 hours. So we can say that to express 1 day as a fraction of 1 week = fraction of 24 hours and 168 hours. So 1 day is equal to 17th week.

What part of a day is 4 hour?

Answer. Answer: A day has 24 hours. Therefore 4 hrs is one-sixth of a day.

What percentage is a day?

Explanation: Let p% of a day is 3 hrs. We know that a day has 24 hrs. Hence, 3 hrs is 12.5% of a day….What percent of a day is 3 hours?

A) 14.9% B) 12.5%
C) 15.6%% D) 11.4%

What percentage of a day is 30 minutes?

Which is equal to 18.75%. Originally Answered: What percentage of 4 hours is 30 minutes? The answer is: 12,5 %. In one hour there are 60 minutes.

What number is 15% of 24?

Latest calculated numbers percentages

15% of 24 = 3.6 Mar 31 15:07 UTC (GMT)
35% of 1,179 = 412.65 Mar 31 15:07 UTC (GMT)
19% of 4.8 = 0.912 Mar 31 15:07 UTC (GMT)
0.1% of 5,000 = 5 Mar 31 15:07 UTC (GMT)
20% of 326,420 = 65,284 Mar 31 15:07 UTC (GMT)

Which number is 40% less than 90% of 100?


What number is 30% less than 80% of 100?

30%=30/100=3/10. 80% of 100=80/100×100=80. now 80-3/79.

What number is 70% of 80?


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