What is the meaning of unremarkable in medical term?
Unremarkable: Just what you think it means. Boring! Normal. Negative: Usually referring to a medical test. Generally means that the test did not find anything abnormal.
What does it mean when test results are unremarkable?
For qualitative reports I find most appropriate the term “unremarkable” to signify the understanding of “not demonstrating or proving the presence or existence of symptoms, bacteria, etc.” If, on the other hand, there are findings, such observations should be briefly but fully explained.
What does it mean when soft tissues are grossly unremarkable?
“Grossly unremarkable” means ‘seems to be normal based on unaided (naked eye) visual inspection.
What is a soft tissue?
Listen to pronunciation. (… TIH-shoo) Refers to muscle, fat, fibrous tissue, blood vessels, or other supporting tissue of the body.
What are the 4 types of soft tissue?
There are many types of soft tissue, including fat, muscle, fibrous tissue, blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves. Soft tissues surround, support and connect organs and other tissues in the body.
What are examples of soft tissue injuries?
What are soft-tissue injuries?
- Contusions (bruises)
- Sprains.
- Tendonitis.
- Bursitis.
- Stress injuries.
- Strains.
What are the three types of soft tissue injuries?
Sprains, strains, and contusions, as well as tendinitis and bursitis, are common soft-tissue injuries.
What are the symptoms of soft tissue injuries?
Common Symptoms of Soft Tissue Injuries
- A lump or knot at the site of the injury.
- Inability to bear weight.
- Joint instability.
- Limited range of motion.
- Muscle cramping or spasms.
- Muscle weakness.
- Pain.
- Swelling.
What does tissue damage feel like?
When a soft tissue injury occurs, many individuals immediately feel pain and experience swelling and stiffness, although these symptoms may be delayed in some cases. Another delayed factor, bruising may follow 24 to 48 hours after the injury.
How long does tissue damage take to heal?
Most soft tissue injuries heal within two to three weeks. If you still have significant pain or stiffness one week after a finger injury or two or three weeks after other injuries, you should come back to the Emergency Department.
Does xray show tissue damage?
An X-ray won’t show subtle bone injuries, soft tissue injuries or inflammation. However, even if your doctor suspects a soft tissue injury like a tendon tear, an X-ray might be ordered to rule out a fracture.
Is soft tissue damage serious?
Soft tissue injuries that cause permanent damage can leave scars or cause disfigurement. In some cases, accident victims lose muscle function from damage to tendons or ligaments. This long-term damage has unpleasant long-term consequences.
How painful is soft tissue damage?
When soft tissue is damaged, there is usually immediate pain along with immediate or delayed swelling (excessive swelling can slow the healing process – see treatment below). Stiffness is also very common as a result of the trauma and swelling. Bruising may also develop after 24-48 hours.
What is hard tissue damage?
Hard tissue injuries involve damage to the bones or teeth and are caused as a direct result of force applied to the body, resulting in fractures, dislocations and other breakages. Typically, medical assistance is required immediately when these types of injury occur.
Why is soft tissue damage so painful?
Soft tissue strains and sprains An injury to muscles or tendons such as a twisted ankle or sprained wrist leads to microtrauma, bleeding and swelling around the damaged tissue which causes pain.
How can I speed up soft tissue healing?
RICE method to treat injuries: Rest, ice, compression, elevation. The mnemonic RICE which stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation is key to treating an acute soft tissue injury. The objective of early RICE therapy is to control the initial inflammation and get the healing process started early.
Will soft tissue damage heal on its own?
While some soft tissue injuries result in minor pain that goes away as the injury heals, other can result in severe pain and a series of treatments. Soft tissue injuries are categorized based on grade. These injuries typically heal on their own within a few weeks. A Grade II injury results in some joint instability.
Do you need a cast for soft tissue damage?
Grade 3: Tears are severe and indicate complete rupture of that muscle or ligament. This may actually be less painful then a grade 2 as the injured structure is no longer being stressed. This is a more serious injury and will often require surgery or immobilising in a plaster cast.
What test shows soft tissue damage?
CT (computed tomography) scans A CT scan uses x-rays to make detailed cross-sectional images of your body. This test is often done if the doctor suspects a soft tissue sarcoma in the chest, abdomen (belly), or the retroperitoneum (the back of the abdomen).