What is the moral lesson of the story the centipede?

What is the moral lesson of the story the centipede?

The moral Lesson in the story Centipede, is to love your own family member. And don’t let your anger consume you.

Did Delia die in the centipede?

Answer. It didn’t include the ending so therefore it depends upon you on how you understand the ending it gave. But I think it’s yes, even though they didn’t said it directly, it is obvious that she died.

What is the ending of the story the centipede?

Answer. Delia died from having a heart attack because of the centipede that is being thrown to her. It triggered her attack because she is not allowed to feel shock ‘coz it might lead to her death—which happened. That’s the possible ending.

What is the conflict of the story the centipede?

Answer: External Conflict: Man vs Man – Eddie and Delia had not been in good terms and in conflict with one another since they were young. They seemed to see each other as rivals. Delia always try to get rid of those things that would make her brother Eddie happy…

Why centipede is the title of the story?

The story’s title is justified through the metaphor of the centipede which always seeks revenge even at its own cost.

How did Eddie’s sister see herself?

Answer Expert Verified It seems that in the story, Eddie’s sister viewed herself as superior than her brother. Eddie’s sister is always angry and mean to him. The dog of Eddie would always annoy her and told Eddie to take this dog away from her or she will kill it. She willfully destroys everything Eddie likes.

How Eddie viewed himself in the story of the centipede?

Answer: He felt pity and guilt. The story The Centipede was written in Eddie’s point of view, thus, we can never really tell how Eddie’s sister viewed him. Reading through the story, Eddie has torn her doll’s legs and his dog ate her slippers.

What family problem is depicted in the story the centipede?

Answer: External Conflict: Man vs Man – Eddie and Delia had not been in good terms and in conflict with one another since they were young. They seemed to see each other as rivals. Delia always try to get rid of those things that would make her brother Eddie happy.

What is the meaning of centipede?

: any of a class (Chilopoda) of long flattened many-segmented predaceous arthropods with each segment bearing one pair of legs of which the foremost pair is modified into poison fangs.

What is the resolution of the story the centipede?

Answer Expert Verified Resolution: Eddie wrapped a centipede on a handkerchief. He went behind her sister who was embroidering a strip of white cloth. Delia was not aware of Eddie’s presence. He unwrapped the centipede and threw it on her lap.

Who is the main character in the story the centipede?

Eddie – Main

Why does Eddie hate Delia?

In the story, ‘The Centipede’ Delia set hatred on Eddie because of the reason that their mother died when Eddie was born. She thought that Eddie is the reason of their mother’s death.

How does Eddie view his sister?

At first Eddie viewed his sister Delia as the meanest creature he knew. The reason for this is because of the things his sister did to him like when Eddie was pushed and hit by Delia because he accidentally torn her doll’s leg and when she saw her sister beating his dog.

Who are the two main characters in the short story the centipede?

Who are the characters of ‘the centipede” by rony v. Diaz?

  • Eddie – Main Character.
  • Delia – Eddie’s Sister.
  • Biryuk – The Lost Dog that have been found by Eddie while hunting.
  • Berto – One of the workmen for the family.
  • Father – Eddie and Delia’s Dad.

Who is the author of the story the centipede?

Rony V. Diaz

What conflict exists between Eddie and Delia?

Answer. Conflict: Eddie and Delia had not been in good terms and in conflict with one another since they were young. They seemed to see each other as rivals. Delia always try to get rid of those things that would make her brother Eddie happy.

How do Eddie and Delia treat each other?

Eddie and Delia relationship is chaotic because of Delia’s attitude towards her brother Eddie. They are siblings who hated each other. Delia is a mean girl, she uses her sickness to provoke her brother. Eddie loves to collect things or keep animals.

Why do you think Delia hate her brother so much in the story of centipede?

Answer. She hates her brother so much because she thinks Eddie is the reason why their mother died. She was 8 years old when her mother gave birth to her brother and unfortunately her mother died apparently after giving birth.

What is the setting of the story the centipede?

The Centipede is a short story written by Rony V. Diaz and is considered as one of the best short stories in the Philippines. The story happened at the hut his sister Delia’s playhouse, Eddie and Delia’s house and at the last part of the story, it happened in the woodshed where Berto is splitting up the woods.

How does Eddie view himself?

Answer. Answer: He felt pity and guilt. The story The Centipede was written in Eddie’s point of view, thus, we can never really tell how Eddie’s sister viewed him.

Who is the author of the centipede?

What is the settings in the story?

Setting is the time and place (or when and where) of the story. The setting may also include the environment of the story, which can be made up of the physical location, climate, weather, or social and cultural surroundings. There are various ways that time and place indicate setting.

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