
What is the moral of The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

What is the moral of The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

One moral from The Witch of Blackbird Pond is that home is with the people you love. Kit Tyler thinks Barbados is her home, but then realizes that anywhere with Nat Eaton is really home. Another lesson is a warning about allowing politics to interfere in relationships. A third moral is about passing judgment on others.

What is wrong with mercy in The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

Unfortunately, because of a fever when she was young, Mercy is lame in one leg and must use crutches to walk. Her physical impairment means that she cannot go to meeting and spends most of her time indoors spinning and carding wool.

Why is The Witch of Blackbird Pond banned?

The two people accused of witchcraft in the book are not witches. However this book has been banned because of promoting witchcraft and violence.

Who is Kit most loyal to in The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

Hannah Tupper

Who does Kit marry in The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

Nat Eaton

How did Kit Change in The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

Kit goes through an amazing amount of transformation over the course of The Witch of Blackbird Pond. When readers are first introduced to Kit, she is a bit self-centered and entitled. Neither of those traits are very endearing, but those traits make sense because Kit has been living an aristocratic life in Barbados.

Why does Nat compare kit to a bird?

Nat wanted the colorful bird but his father told him the birds in Saybrook would “peck and scold at it.” Kit is like the colorful bird and the others in Wethersfield will peck and scold at her.

Is The Witch of Blackbird Pond a movie?

The Film of Blackbird Pond? No film adaptation of the novel currently exists; however, the New York Times website reports that there might be a version in production.

Is The Witch of Blackbird Pond a true story?

Tamara K. H. True historical events referenced in Elizabeth George Speare’s The Witch of Blackbird Pond concern the charter of the Connecticut colony. Matthew’s reference to King Charles is indeed historically accurate. In 1662, 25 years prior to the year the novel is set in, 1687, King Charles II…

Why is Kit angry with Nat?

There are at least two reasons for Nat’s mocking and angry attitude. First, Nat thinks that Kit is engaged to William Ashby, and this makes him feel jealous. In turn, his jealousy makes him unreasonably angry with Kit. Second, Nat thinks Kit is marrying William for his wealth.

What happens at the end of The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

At the end of The Witch of Blackbird Pond all is right with the world: Kit Tyler has been cleared of all charges of witchcraft and is a free woman.

What is the climax of The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

Climax. When many of the villagers come down with a deadly fever, an angry mob tries to attack Hannah Tupper, believing her to be a witch responsible for the illnesses. Kit manages to get Hannah to safety, only to be accused of witchcraft herself.

What is the resolution of the Witch of Blackbird Pond?

Personally I think the major resolution of this great novel comes in Chapter 21 when Kit finally realises two things that the astute reader will have realised long before–she loves Nat and she loves New England.

Who is the antagonist in The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

Goodwife Cruff is the antagonist.

What did Nat warn kit about when he left?

Once back on the ship, Nat must inform Kit that his father, the ship’s captain, has asked Kit to dine with the Cruffs now that Captain Eaton’s wife has been brought to shore. When Kit rebels against dining with such a horrible woman, Nat replies, “She has been insisting to my father that you are a witch.

Is there a sequel to The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

The Witch of Blackbird Pond is a children’s novel by American author Elizabeth George Speare, published in 1958. The story takes place in late-17th century New England. It won the Newbery Medal in 1959….The Witch of Blackbird Pond.

1958 first edition
Author Elizabeth George Speare
Preceded by Calico Captive
Followed by The Bronze Bow

Who is the main character in The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

Goodwife Cruff

How old is Nat in The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

eight years

What is the Dame School in The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

What is the dame school? Well, a little classroom that Mercy runs out of the Wood’s house. She teaches letters, reading, and a little writing.

What grade level is The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Interest Level Reading Level ATOS
Grades 4 – 8 Grades 4 – 8 5.7

What is the setting in The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

The Witch of Blackbird Pond is set in Wethersfield, Connecticut, in 1687. The town of Wethersfield was, and still is, located on the banks of the Connecticut River.

What happens in chapter 9 of The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

Hannah brings Kit back to her house where she gives her water to clean herself with and feeds her corncake studded with blueberries. Kit admires Hannah’s home which, while small and plain, is clean and peaceful. Hannah tells Kit that her husband, Thomas, built the house for her.

How did Nat meet Hannah?

Nat first met Hannah when he was 8 years old. He tried to run away from home after being told that he had to spend the winter with his grandmother, rather than on the Dolphin with his father. Hannah comforted him with a piece of blueberry cake and a little gray kitten.

What did Kit realize as John Holbrook read the poetry of Anne Bradstreet?

Tonight, though, rather than the Bible, John reads poetry by Anne Bradstreet. It is love poetry, and as he reads it, Kit realizes that Mercy is in love with John Holbrook.

Who is Hannah Tupper?

Hannah Tupper is the elderly Quaker widow who lives alone in the Meadows of Wethersfield, Connecticut. Shunned by Puritan society, she is known by the people of the town as the witch of Blackbird Pond. Kit befriends the kind woman, who accepts Kit when no one else seems to.

What is Hannah’s magic cure for every ill?

Hannah’s cure for every ill is “blueberry cake and a kitten,” according to Nat. The cake and the kitten don’t actually have any special curative properties.

Who does Kit go and visit after she leaves Hannah?

Nathaniel Eaton

How does William feel about kit?

When William first sees Kit at Meeting, he is impressed and entranced by Kit. Kit is different from any of the girls in Wethersfield, and he is especially impressed by her manner of dress, as she is dressed in beautiful, opulent, and colorful clothes, unlike any of the modestly dressed townsfolk in Wethersfield.

Why is William so enthralled with kit?

Kit considers marrying William so she can fit in, because he is rich. William Ashby was originally interested in Judith, Kit’s cousin. However, when Kit comes to town he seems to become interested in her instead. For Kit, he is certainly the practical choice.

How does John resolve things with Dr Bulkeley?

Since they differ on politics, he finds a way to approach Dr. Bulkeley’s position as one where “he is obeying his own conscience.” This he can respect, and they essentially agree to disagree.

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