What is the mortality rate of bulimia?
Results: Crude mortality rates were 4.0% for anorexia nervosa, 3.9% for bulimia nervosa, and 5.2% for eating disorder not otherwise specified.
Do you lose calories when you sleep?
As a very approximate number, we burn around 50 calories an hour1 while we sleep. However, every person burns a different amount of calories during sleep, depending on their personal basal metabolic rate2 (BMR).
Can your body heal from bulimia?
When you are no longer binging and purging, the body is better able to heal. Your body will do some of the repairing on its own, but you can help by practicing healthy self-care like proper nutrition, staying hydrated and getting plenty of sleep.
Why is bulimia so addictive?
Psychological. Conditions that are psychological by nature may also connect bulimia with a drug/alcohol addiction. This includes low-self esteem, depression, and anxiety. Other existing psychological disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can also influence the development of co-morbid conditions.
What are two long-term effects of bulimia?
Long-Term Effects
- Severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
- Sore throat, particularly from excessive and regular vomiting.
- Tooth decay, cavities, or gum disease, particularly from excessive vomiting.
- Gastrointestinal tract (e.g., duodenal, stomach) ulcers.
- Irregular period or amenorrhea.
What happens to your body after bulimia?
Bulimia can permanently damage your stomach and intestines, causing other problems like constipation, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome. Hormonal problems. Reproductive issues, including irregular periods, missed periods, and fertility problems are common side effects when you have bulimia.
Can you reverse effects of bulimia?
Treatment Options With appropriate treatment, those struggling with bulimia nervosa will be able to reverse most of the physical symptoms and lead a normal, healthy life. Unfortunately, dental issues including tooth decay, breakage and discoloring may not be reversible and may require medical intervention.
Can bulimia damage your heart?
Frequent purging can cause dehydration. This leads to weak muscles and extreme fatigue. It can also throw your electrolytes out of balance and put strain on your heart. This can cause an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), and in some severe cases, a weakened heart muscle and heart failure.