What is the most common Gujarati last name?

What is the most common Gujarati last name?

List Of Gujarati Surnames Or Last Names With Meanings

  1. Acharya. Acharya, a common Gujarati surname, derives its name from ‘Acarya,’ a Sanskrit word for a spiritual leader, or the ‘one who teaches conduct.
  2. Adhvaryu.
  3. Ambani.
  4. Amin.
  5. Amroliwala.
  6. Barot.
  7. Choksi.
  8. Chowdhury.

What caste is Kotak?

There are Gujarati billionaires from across Hindu castes: the warrior Lohana (Uday Kotak), the Baniya (Dilip Sanghvi, Sudhir Mehta) and the peasant (Pankaj Patel). With such genius in its population, it is not surprising that Gujarat has led India’s GDP growth in the last decade.

Who is owner of Kotak Bank?

Uday Kotak

Who is the richest banker in the world?

Joseph Safra

What is the most powerful bank in the world?

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

Which is the safest bank in the world?

World’s safest banks

Rank Bank Country
1 KfW Germany
2 Zuercher Kantonalbank Switzerland
3 Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank Germany
4 L-Bank Germany

What is the richest bank in America?

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Who owns the most assets in the world?

Rankings by Total Assets

Rank Profile Total Assets
1. AT $551,669,000,000
2. Royal Dutch Shell plc $404,336,000,000
3. Exxon Mobil Corporation $355,804,000,000
4. SoftBank Group Corporation $338,938,000,000

What is the richest business in the world?


What is the richest country in world?


What language they speak in Singapore?


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