What is the most famous quote from a movie?

What is the most famous quote from a movie?

Famous Movie Quotes

  • “ May the Force be with you.” – Star Wars, 1977.
  • “ There’s no place like home.” – The Wizard of Oz, 1939.
  • “ I’m the king of the world!” – Titanic, 1997.
  • “ Carpe diem.
  • “ Elementary, my dear Watson.” –
  • “ It’s alive!
  • “ My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates.
  • “ I’ll be back.” –

How can I find a movie with just a quote?

Go to the Internet Movie Database at imdb.com. This database provides lists of memorable quotes for each movie entry. Type the quote you remember from the movie into the website’s search box.

What are the top 100 movie quotes?

How many have you seen?

  • “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” GONE WITH THE WIND (1939)
  • “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.” THE GODFATHER (1972)
  • “You don’t understand!
  • “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
  • “Here’s looking at you, kid.”
  • “Go ahead, make my day.”
  • “All right, Mr.

What was Clint Eastwood’s famous line?

Clint Eastwood quotes Showing 1-30 of 51. “Tomorrow is promised to no one.”

What is the famous line from Dirty Harry?

Harry Callahan: You’ve Got To Ask Yourself One Question: ‘Do I Feel Lucky? ‘ Well, Do Ya, Punk? Harry Callahan: Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

What did Dirty Harry call his gun?

Smith & Wesson Model 29

Who turned down the role of Dirty Harry?

Burt Lancaster, Steve McQueen and Paul Newman were all approached to play Dirty Harry, and all of them turned the role down down, although Newman recommended 41-year-old Eastwood for the part.

How many bullets did Dirty Harry fire?

six shots

What is the most powerful handgun in the world?

Smith & Wesson

Would a 9mm kill a bear?

Yes, a 9 mm can injure or kill a bear. The bear will die of his injuries, but he will still have enough life left in him to do you in, before he dies. You will not have a side shot if a grizzly bear is charging you, and most likely your 9mm will only inrage him, and make him try his best to kill you.

What is the deadliest handgun?

Most Powerful Handguns

  • Ruger Super Redhawk. Ruger originally introduced a Super Redhawk chambered to fire the .
  • Freedom Arms Model 83.
  • Desert Eagle Mark XIX.
  • Taurus Raging Bull.
  • Smith & Wesson .
  • Powerful Handgun #6: Magnum Research BFR.
  • Thompson Center Encore Pro Hunter.
  • Triple Action Thunder.

Can a 500 magnum kill an elephant?

The Smith & Wesson 500 performed well during this hunt. We recovered one of the bullets from the elephant and found it too retained over 90% of it’s weight. If I were to hunt with a revolver all the time a scope would definately be in order.

What gun can kill a hippo?

Hippos are tough f*ckers. If I was you I’d go with a high caliber rifle, my choice would be a . 950 JDJ. For a pistol I’d go with a 45–70 revolver.

Can a 50 cal kill an elephant?

50 Caliber BMG round that is used in some Barrett rifles, then yes. It is available in a few different bullet weights. They are about 650 grains up to 800 grains, and typical muzzle velocity is around 2700 to 3000 fps. 458 Winchester Magnum is enough for Elephant and it fires a 500 grain bullet at about 2100 fps.

Will a 300 win mag kill a grizzly bear?

The . 300 Win mag is what I hunted grizzly, Black bear, and moose and big Caribou in Alaska with for many years and it is a very good caliber for stopping a charging animal with either a 180 Gr. or 220 gr. bullet.

Is a 308 or 30 06 More Powerful?

30-06 has a muzzle velocity around 2,900 feet per second with a 150-grain bullet, while a . 308 is around 2,800. 30-06 hunting rifle. The higher velocity means this round is going to shoot flatter at longer ranges than the .

Will a 350 Legend kill a bear?

350 Legend-specific bullets. But even those shooters who don’t roll their own ammo can afford to shoot this cartridge. With a tough bullet this rifle will be perfect for hogs out to moderate ranges, and this cartridge will make an excellent option for hunting black bears over bait.

Can a 30 06 take down a grizzly?

The 30–06 is the same caliber with a much stouter powder charge allowing the use of heavier bullets. It is most certainly capable of taking the biggest of Grizzly bears down with the right bullet and good bullet placement.

What Animals Can you kill with a 30-06?

30-06 hunting rifle you choose, it is capable of ethically taking a wide variety of game animals like mule and whitetail deer, pronghorn, black bear, feral hogs, elk, mountain goat, sheep, moose, sheep, zebra, kudu, zebra, eland, red stag and dozens of other species.

Can a 30-06 shoot 1000 yards?

30/06 was certified for an extreme reach of 4.75 miles, an effective firing range of 1,000 yards. A flip up rear leaf sight was graduated for ranges out to 2,850 yards.

What bullet can kill a grizzly bear?

Look for the biggest caliber you can shoot well in a rifle with a controlled-feed action like the Winchester Model 70 Safari Express, or the Ruger Guide Gun. While big bore rifles are ideal, even a . 308 will work.

Can an AR 15 kill a bear?

Absolutely… You see the only place a fully automatic AR-15 assault rifle exists is in fantasy land and there you can even kill an 1800 pound grizzly bear with a slingshot and some mushed peas. 223/5.56 from a standard AR. That is time better spent getting to a place the bear can’t get to you, if such a place exists.

Can a .22 kill a bear?

A . 22 can kill a bear with a perfect shot through the eye or ear but you dont always have time to be perfect and therefore a . 22 is not what I would choose for bear defense or offense.

What animal can kill a grizzly bear?

Elephants, Hippos, and Rhinos can all easily take down a grizzly/polar bear 9/10. Adult male Lions and Tigers CAN take down a grizzly or polar bear. It won’t be a majority, but they have the tools to take them down. Many large bulls, Bison, etc all can take down a grizzly or polar bear.

Can a grizzly bear kill a tiger?

Grizzly bear will try to use its size to intimidate the tiger and to crush the rushing Tiger standing on its hind legs. The Grizzly bear is quite powerful. The Siberian tiger could easily defeat the smaller bears and preys on them but not most of the larger grizzly bears.

Can a polar bear kill a lion?

A lion called Brutus is said to have killed a polar bear in a rapid and savage assault. However, the polar bear was a small juvenile. In the wild, among two fully grown adults, it’s hard to see the lion being victorious in most circumstances….POLAR BEAR VERSUS LION.

Weight: 420 pounds
Bite Force: 650 PSI
Predators: None

Can a polar bear kill an elephant?

A bear is simply not big enough to win against an elephant. It could do some damage, but at best the bear could leave some cuts in the elephant and if it persists, it would just make the elephant made and tire itself out to the point where the angry elephant can run it down and turn into a paste.

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