What is the most farts in one day?

What is the most farts in one day?

Anything over 23 farts per day is considered more than normal but still may not warrant concern.

What is the loudest fart recorded?

The loudest fart ever recorded occurred on May 16, 1972 in Madeline, Texas by Alvin Meshits. The blast maintained a level of 194 decibels for one third of a second.

Can best friends fall in love?

To look for a best friend in your partner, is completely normal and understandable. While it is not necessary that all friendship leads to a romantic relationship, but it is most likely that one ends up falling for their best-friend.

Do guys say love you to friends?

It depends on when and how he says it. If he says it in bed it means “I lust you.” If you are indeed just friends then he probably means that he loves you as his friend. He cares deeply about you but not romantically.

Do Best Friends cuddle?

Best friends like to cuddle. We just do. When we’ve had a hard week at work, just ended a relationship, or are hungover, we like to share a blanket on the couch or cuddle in bed and watch movies together. You don’t necessarily have to make physical contact, but just being in close proximity feels good.

Is it better to marry your best friend?

Previous studies found that having friends is essential to happiness. “The well-being benefits of marriage are much greater for those who also regard their spouse as their best friend,” Helliwell said. “These benefits are on average about twice as large for people whose spouse is also their best friend.”

Is it OK to marry a friend?

But beyond the big screen, some scientists are now pointing to evidence that says marrying your best friend is something you might want to consider saying “I do” to. The study found that the “well-being effects of marriage are about twice as large for those whose spouse is also their best friend.”

Can you marry your bestie?

You can be married to your best friend with utmost ease and comfort. You would not only know them but also know their family well. You won’t have to worry about making a transition from being single to married. Apart from the legal aspect, everything is likely to be much the same as before marriage.

Can you get married to your cousin?

In the United States, second cousins are legally allowed to marry in every state. Marriage between first cousins, however, is legal in only about half of American states.

Should I start dating my best friend?

Your Best Friend is Already Very Invested in Your Relationship. The best people won’t mess you around – if you’re lucky enough to be dating someone who shares your values then they’re unlikely to leave you in the lurch. Be warned though: Dating your best friend is always a risk – but it’s a risk for both of you.

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