What is the most geologically active moon?

What is the most geologically active moon?


Are geologically active areas?

These boundaries, the danger lines described in the SAVAGE EARTH program “Hell’s Crust,” are the most geologically active regions on Earth. Through decades of observation and experiment, scientists have developed a picture of Earth’s interior and the forces that produce the violent activity we see on the surface.

What usually happens when each type of boundary moves?

A divergent boundary occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other. Along these boundaries, earthquakes are common and magma (molten rock) rises from the Earth’s mantle to the surface, solidifying to create new oceanic crust. Two plates sliding past each other forms a transform plate boundary.

What happened when you pulled the play dough or clay together?

What happened when you squeeze the play dough or clay together? Much like the squishy stress ball you pull out from time to time, squeezing play dough is great for helping calm down your kids. Playing with the clay can help ease tension, release excess energy, improve focus, and express emotions.

What do you think will happen to the leading edge of plate A as it continues to move downward Why?

What do you think will happen to the leading edge of Plate A as it continues to move downward? ANSWER: The leading edge of Plate A will start to melt because the temperature beneath the crust (mantle) is higher.

What do the crackers represent?

In this activity the graham crackers represent the plates of earth and the peanut butter or frosting represents the magma (molten rock) underneath. The area where two plates meet is called a plate boundary. Create three major plate boundaries and watch what happens to the earth’s crust as you move the plates!

What natural disaster happens at a transform boundary?

Deadly earthquakes occur at transform plate boundaries. Transform faults have shallow focus earthquakes.

What does whipping cream represent what do the crackers represent?

Answer: the crackers represent as base & the whipping cream is a spread…

What happens when a piece of crust is subducted?

Where two tectonic plates converge, if one or both of the plates is oceanic lithosphere, a subduction zone will form. An oceanic plate will sink back into the mantle. Remember, oceanic plates are formed from mantle material at midocean ridges.

What do the following materials represent frosting or thick cream fruit roll and crackers?

In this model, the frosting represents the asthenosphere, the viscous layer on which Earth’s plates ride. The plates in this model are represented by the fruit roll ups (oceanic crust which is thin and dense) and graham crackers (continental crust which is thick but less dense). 2.

What does the fruit roll represent?

The fruit roll up represents the thin but dense oceanic plate while the graham cracker represents the thicker but less dense continental plate.

What happens to the creamy filling as you move the upper cookie halves away?

The upper cookie is the lithosphere, the creamy filling the asthenosphere, and the lower cookie the lower mantle. Slide the upper cookie over the creamy filling to simulate motion of a rigid lithospheric plate over the softer asthenosphere.

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