
What is the most iconic movie line of all time?

What is the most iconic movie line of all time?

A jury consisting of 1,500 film artists, critics, and historians selected “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn”, spoken by Clark Gable as Rhett Butler in the 1939 American Civil War epic Gone with the Wind, as the most memorable American movie quotation of all time.

How can I find a movie quote?

Find That Movie Go to the Internet Movie Database at imdb.com. This database provides lists of memorable quotes for each movie entry. Type the quote you remember from the movie into the website’s search box.

What is Google’s motto?

“Don’t be evil” is a phrase used in Google’s corporate code of conduct, which it also formerly preceded as a motto. Following Google’s corporate restructuring under the conglomerate Alphabet Inc. in October 2015, Alphabet took “Do the right thing” as its motto, also forming the opening of its corporate code of conduct.

What is a family motto?

A family motto is a short phrase or slogan that generalizes your family’s beliefs and values. Whether they rhyme or not, the words of a family motto should prioritize mutual respect, thought before action, empathy, kindness, and relationships.

What is a good family quote?

“Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones that would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.” “Family is not defined by our genes, it is built and maintained through love.”

How do you explain motto to a child?

A motto is a word, phrase or sentence used to describe the meaning or point of a group or organisation. Mottoes are often in Latin.

What do you mean motto?

A motto is a slogan or favorite saying, like “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” A motto is something you might see on a t-shirt or bumper sticker — a short sentence or phrase that has meaning for that person. Some mottoes have to do with politics, religion, or another belief.

How do you use motto?

The motto is Magnanime pretium. I want to hear the woman who lives by the motto of no apologies, no regrets, who told me once that her own soul searching taught her to live, doesn’t want my help turning that three months into eternity. The motto of the order was Duce et auspice.

What has the same meaning as motto?

SYNONYMS. maxim, saying, proverb, aphorism, adage, saw, axiom, formula, expression, phrase, rule, dictum, precept, epigram, gnome. slogan, catchphrase, watchword, byword, cry, battle cry.

What is another word for mantra?

Mantra Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for mantra?

song intonation
psalm tune
warble trill
croon lilt
chanting intoning

What is another word for tagline?

Synonyms of tagline

  • banner,
  • catchphrase,
  • cry,
  • shibboleth,
  • slogan,
  • watchword.

What is an example of a tagline?

A perfect example of a descriptive tagline is Walmart’s tagline – Save money. Live better. Another good example of a descriptive tagline is KFC’S It’s finger-lickin’ good.

What is a tagline vs slogan?

A tagline is typically used at the end of every advertisement or marketing material published. On the other hand, a slogan is often temporary and particular to a specific marketing effort.

What is a company tagline?

A tagline is a short phrase used in marketing campaigns of a business to sum up the value of a brand or its products and create a positive brand impression.

What is a professional tagline?

In the context of professional services firms, a tagline is usually part of a firm’s identity (as opposed to an ad slogan) — so it usually appears in conjunction with the firm’s name and logo.

What is a personal tagline?

Your tagline is a short positive statement that can help you focus on goals, get rid of negative, self-defeating beliefs, and program your subconscious mind. Your tagline states what you expect from yourself and what others will experience from being around you.

What is a catchy phrase?

A catchphrase (alternatively spelled catch phrase) is a phrase or expression recognized by its repeated utterance.

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