What is the most valuable guitar in the world?

What is the most valuable guitar in the world?

Top 10 Most Expensive Guitars!

  • Brownie Stratocaster, Eric Clapton – $450,000.
  • 1939 CF Martin, Eric Clapton – $791,500.
  • 1964 Gibson ES-335, Eric Clapton – $847,500.
  • Blackie Strat, Eric Clapton – $959,000.
  • Washburn, Bob Marley – valued at 1.2 million.
  • 1968 Fender Strat, Jimi Hendrix – $2,000,000.

Is American Fender better than Mexican?

The first major difference between the two – besides the price – is the wood used for the bodies. While an American Fender has a three piece body made of ash, its Mexican equivalent is made either superior choice in wood and build.

Is an American Strat worth it?

Yes! They are excellent instruments, and will be worth most of their original cost or maybe even more, when and if, you want to sell it later. MOST of the other brand names (Stratocaster style) will not. A few exceptions, but American made Standard Stratocaster is the most iconic guitar in the world.

Do American Fenders hold value?

American Fenders tend to hold their value against inflation, and some increase in value. My most extreme example is a 1965 Stratocaster that I bought at a flea market for $150 a few decades ago. I don’t know its current value—but it’s more than $150.

Why are American fenders more expensive?

The main reason why a US-made Stratocaster is pricier is because of its superior tone and quality control. Mexican Stratocasters are of great quality as well and with enough time and patience, you’ll be sure to find an excellent MIM Strat.

Is Fender overrated?

Fender is just the same, unless you get a signature Malmsteen, Mayer, or Johnson, it isn’t worth it, (or if u get american custom shop), although they do have better entry level guitars…. Both are still overpriced and overrated….

Are Fender Strats overrated?

Yes. Modern machining and manufacturing technologies make that possible (the same the reason Squier makes such good guitars these days as well). Personally, I think that yes, the Fender Stratocaster is an overrated guitar. Good guitar as I said above, but overrated.

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