What is the only obligation Thoreau feels he has toward society?
What does he say is the only obligation he has a right to assume? He thinks its bad because it forces to go along with the group. He thinks that he has the obligation to only do what he believes is right. Thoreau says a man does not have a duty to eradicate wrong, but he does have the duty “to wash his hands of it.
What is the rule obligation by which Thoreau lives?
6)What is the rule/obligation by which Thoreau lives? He lived by the rule of always doing what he thinks is right, putting man first and a subject after.
What does Thoreau say is the purpose of his essay?
Thoreau, sums up about how it is the people’s right and civil responsibility to speak out against a cruel government. That is why it is okay to use “Civil Disobedience”. His purpose is to persuade people into taking action to speak out against the wrongs of a unjust government.
What is Thoreau’s main purpose for living in the woods?
Thoreau goes to live in the woods because he wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and learn what they had to teach and to discover if he had really lived.
How does Thoreau feel about news?
Thoreau’s basic gripe about news seemed more about its quality than its quantity. He seemed to fear that as news traveled faster, it would become less substantive. And his concern about coverage of serious events was really an argument for better context, not a callous disregard for his fellow humans.
What did Thoreau say about gossip?
“To a philosopher all news is gossip, and they who edit and read it are old women over their tea.”
What kind of government does Thoreau think is the best government?
The phrase “that government is best which governs least” is often credited to Henry David Thoreau, in his 1849 “Civil Disobedience,” or “Resistance to Civil Government.” (It’s also sometimes credited to Thomas Jefferson or John Locke, but although it might capture well some of their thinking, to my knowledge it doesn’t …
In what three ways does Thoreau say that a person can serve the government?
Focus: Thoreau describes three ways citizens can serve the state: with their bodies, with their heads, and with their conscience.