What is the opposite of furrowed brows?

What is the opposite of furrowed brows?

Opposite of having a crease or creases. smooth. flat. delicate. plain.

What’s the opposite of fleek?

What is the opposite of fleek?

blemished defective
deficient faulty
flawed imperfect
mottled flecked
marked scarred

What are sad brows called?

A frown (also known as a scowl) is a facial expression in which the eyebrows are brought together, and the forehead is wrinkled, usually indicating displeasure, sadness or worry, or less often confusion or concentration. The appearance of a frown varies by culture.

What are synonyms for eyebrows?

synonyms for eyebrow

  • countenance.
  • face.
  • front.
  • mien.
  • temple.
  • top.
  • frons.

How do you describe eyebrows?

Here are some adjectives for eyebrows: implausibly artistic, wry bushy, unbelievable gray, sardonic mental, furry straight, bushy white, pale bushy, bushy grey, masculine, bushy, arched black, peculiarly misshapen, proud exquisite, cycloidally arched, thick, unattractive, almost bushy, eerie, black, arched imperious.

What is a Monobrow?

A unibrow refers to long eyebrows that connect together. It’s also called a monobrow. While the unibrow is making a comeback, preferences may vary. Just as some people want thin or thick eyebrows, tastes for the unibrow can differ.

Is having a unibrow lucky?

In our overly plucked and supremely groomed world, there’s a rebelliousness to leaving the brow as nature intended. In some cultures, the unibrow — sometimes called a monobrow — is even seen as a sign of good luck, and for men, a signifier of virility and fertility.

Who do you inherit your eyebrows from?

If one or both parents have thicker brows, baby’s will most likely follow suit. Separated brows are dominant, while joined ones are recessive.

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