What is the other name for contour lines?

What is the other name for contour lines?

A contour line (also isoline, isopleth, or isarithm) of a function of two variables is a curve along which the function has a constant value, so that the curve joins points of equal value.

What are the features of contour lines?

Characteristics of Contours

  • Must close on themselves, on or off the map.
  • Perpendicular to the direction of max.
  • Slope between them is assumed uniform.
  • The distance between them indicates the steepness of the slope, gentle or steep.
  • Irregular signify rough, smooth signify gradual slopes.
  • Concentric closed contours: hills or depression.

What is a index line?

A contour line accentuated by a heavier line weight to distinguish it from intermediate contour lines. Index contours are usually shown as every fifth contour with their assigned values, to facilitate reading elevations.

What name is given to the change in elevation between contour lines?

The elevation difference between two adjacent contour lines is called the contour interval (CI). Usually the contour interval is noted on the map legend. In most topographic maps every 5th contour line is drawn in bold print or wider than other contours. Such lines are called index contour lines.

What can the spacing of contour lines can tell you about a landscape?

The spacing of contour lines shows the slope of the land. Contour lines that seem to touch indicate a very steep slope, like a cliff. When contour lines are spaced far apart the slope is gentle. So contour lines help us see the three-dimensional shape of the land.

How does the spacing of the contour lines show the difference between gentle and steep slopes quizlet?

How does the spacing of the contour lines show the difference between gentle and steep slopes? gentler the slope. Hachured contour lines represent decreasing elevation, such as a depression or crater.

How does the slope change as the lines get closer together?

The distance between contour lines represents a change in elevation. If the lines are close together, it means that the elevation change of 10 feet happens over relatively little linear distance. The closer they are together, the steeper the slope.

How do you determine if Y-intercept is positive or negative?

A positive y-intercept means the line crosses the y-axis above the origin, while a negative y-intercept means that the line crosses below the origin.

What happens if the slope is zero?

Since we did not have a change in the x values, the denominator of our slope became 0. This means that we have an undefined slope. If you were to graph the line, it would be a vertical line, as shown above. The slope of the line is undefined.

What happens when the slope of the line is negative?

A negative slope means that two variables are negatively related; that is, when x increases, y decreases, and when x decreases, y increases. Graphically, a negative slope means that as the line on the line graph moves from left to right, the line falls.

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