What is the past participle of the verb Boire?

What is the past participle of the verb Boire?

The passé composé is a past tense that can be translated as the simple past or the present perfect. For the verb boire, it is formed with the auxiliary verb avoir and the past participle bu​. J’ai bu pas mal hier soir.

What is the conjugation for Boire?

French Verb Conjugations

Present Imperfect
tu bois buvais
il boit buvait
nous buvons buvions
vous buvez buviez

How do you conjugate Boire in passe compose?

Notice that in the passé composé, boire is conjugated in the same way, with each of the subject pronouns above….Conjugating Boire in Other Tenses.

Passé Composé Pronunciation
Tu as bu boo
Il/elle/on a bu boo
Nous avons bu boo
Vous avez bu boo

What is the perfect tense of Boire in French?

boire: Conjugation

Present Perfect
je bois tu bois il/elle boit nous buvons vous buvez ils/elles boivent Pronounce these verb forms j’ ai bu tu as bu il/elle a bu nous avons bu vous avez bu ils/elles ont bu Pronounce these verb forms
Imperfect Pluperfect

What is the Imparfait form of venir for JE?


je venais
tu venais
il, elle, on venait
nous venions

What are the six forms of venir?

Venir Conjugated in the Imperative Mood

  • (tu) viens -> (tu) sois venu(e)
  • (nous) venons -> (nous) soyons venu(e)s.
  • (vous) venez -> (vous) soyez venu(e)s.

What is the past participle for venir in French?


How do you conjugate savoir?

“How to Conjugate the French Verb ‘Savoir’ (‘to Know’).” ThoughtCo….Simple Conjugations of “Savoir”

(tu) sache
(nous) sachons
(vous) sachez

What tense is sachez?

French Verb Conjugations

Present Conditional
il sut sachez
nous sûmes Past imperative
vous sûtes aie su
ils surent ayons su

How do you conjugate Falloir?

The irregular French verb falloir means “to need,” “to be necessary,” or “to be lacking.” Since falloir is an impersonal verb, it has only one conjugation in each tense and mood: the third person singular, which may be followed by an infinitive, the subjunctive, or a noun.

How do you conjugate Pleuvoir?

Pleuvoir may be irregular, but when forming the present participle, you will use the same ending as the majority of other verbs. Simply attach -ant to the verb stem pleuv- and you get pleuvant.

Does Falloir take A or DE?

Falloir can be used with an infinitive or the subjunctive. Because it’s an impersonal verb, falloir does not conjugate for different subjects. So in order to specify the person who needs to do something, you can either use the subjunctive or an indirect object pronoun with the infinitive.

What is Falloir in French?

Falloir is an irregular impersonal French verb that is better known in its conjugated form: il faut. Falloir means “to be necessary” or “to need.” It is impersonal, meaning that it has only one grammatical person: the third person singular. It may be followed by the subjunctive, an infinitive, or a noun.

What’s the difference between Falloir and Devoir?

The difference between these verbs is a question of obligation vs necessity, and it’s more than just semantics. Devoir indicates something that a person is obliged to do, a duty, while falloir expresses something that needs to be done, a necessity.

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