What is the plot of the book Fahrenheit 451?

What is the plot of the book Fahrenheit 451?

Ray Bradbury’s 1953 novel Fahrenheit 451 is set in a dystopian society that burns books in order to control dangerous ideas and unhappy concepts. The novel tells the story of Guy Montag, a fireman who questions the book-burning policy and undergoes extraordinary suffering and transformation as a result.

What was Montag’s plan?

The plan that Faber and Montag have is to plant books in the homes of firemen so that the firemen will get arrested and there will be no one to enforce the anti-book laws. Montag says he wants to have “…the salamander devour its own tail,”, or bring the society down from the inside.

What is the theme of Chapter 2 in Fahrenheit 451?

The second main theme of part two was Ignorance versus Knowledge. This is one of the themes because throughout chapter 2 it was constantly being shown that in their society there was a promotion of sameness among the people. Through their acts of ignorance they were taking away knowledge from the people on the society.

What is Montag’s plan in part 2?

Montag’s plan is to plant books at firemen’s homes and let them be arrested to stop them from burning books.

What 3 elements did Faber feel were missing from life?

In the book Fahrenheit 451, Faber says there are 3 elements missing from a world without books. The three elements are quality information, the leisure to digest it, and the freedom to act on what they’ve learned.

Who does Faber say the real enemy is?

In Fahrenheit 451, during a conversation with Montag, Faber reveals who he believes to be the real enemy: But remember that the Captain belongs to the most dangerous enemy of truth and freedom, the solid unmoving cattle of the majority.

What did Faber say is missing from society?

In Fahrenheit 451, Faber says that three things are missing from society. These things are high-quality information, the freedom to digest that information, and the ability to act based on what people learn from the interaction of those two things.

What did Faber feel was missing from life?

The three things Faber says are missing from his life, and the life of his society are quality of information, time to think, and the right to act on your own thoughts.

What did the old woman say in Fahrenheit 451?

In Part 1, when the firemen go to burn down the old woman’s house, she says, “Play the man, Master Ridley; we shall this day light such a candle, by God’s grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out.” This quote reportedly comes from Hugh Latimer, a martyr in 16th Century England.

Why does Faber call himself a coward?

When Faber and Montag meet for the first time in the novel, Faber says he is a coward because he “saw the way things were going, a long time back” and yet he “said nothing.” Even though Faber privately rebels against the government by owning books and creating his own technology, he feels that he did not do enough to …

What is Faber afraid of?

Faber is first naturally afraid of Montag when they meet. Montag is a fireman. Instead of our understanding of firemen today, men who help put out fires so that people can be protected from harm, the firemen of Fahrenheit 451 instigate fires on homes that allow learning to occur through books.

How does Faber see himself?

Why does Faber see himself as cowardly? He sees himself as cowardly because he hasn’t told anyone about his earpiece that he made, other than Montag. What does Faber mean when he says good books have “pores”? Faber means that good books have features that you can put under a microscope and find life in.

What word does Faber use to describe himself?


What are two reasons why Faber feels alive for the first time in years?

Of this he says, “I feel alive for the first time in years… I feel I’m doing what I should’ve done a lifetime ago.” Through Montag’s contact with him, Faber progresses from a scared citizen out to protect his life, to an invigorated and willing aid to rebellion.

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