What is the point of view in Amigo brothers?

What is the point of view in Amigo brothers?

What is the point of view of the story amigo brothers? Third-person omniscient point of view because the narrator illustrates the thoughts and feelings of all of the. amigo brothers.

What is the main conflict in the story Amigo brothers?

The main conflict in the story is that of ambition. Both Antonio and Felix want to be champions. But only one of them can be a champion. So they decide to fight it out.

What is the plot of the story Amigo brothers?

“Amigo Brothers” tells the story of Antonio Cruz and Felix Vargas, teenage best friends who live and breathe the sport of boxing. They train together whenever they can and share an encyclopedic knowledge of the sport and its stars.

Who won the fight in the story Amigo brothers?


How old are Antonio Felix?

1) They both were 17 yrs old.

What do Felix and Antonio have in common throughout Amigo brothers?

Which of the following describes Felix and Antonio’s friendship? They have been friends for most of their lives. The only thing they have in common is boxing. They only hang out because they live close to each other.

What do Antonio and Felix discover the value as much as winning?

What do Antonio and Felix discover they value as much as winning? They value health.

What is the setting of Amigo brothers?

Setting. The story of the Amigo Brothers is about this story are best friends that have fallen in love with the sport of boxing. In the end of this short story the brothers both make up and don’t care who is the real winner. The setting of this story is in Manhattan where the fight occurs and the two brothers live.

Why did Antonio glance at Felix?

Antonio glanced at Felix because he wanted to have a conversation with him. Felix kept his eyes purposely ahead because he was trying to avoid the conversation which will happen inevitably between the two friends. Antonio wanted to discuss about the upcoming Division finals that happens after two weeks.

What was the significance of the opportunity to fight in the Golden Gloves tournament for the two boys?

They were popular as boxers. We know that from the fact that large posters about the fight were plastered all over the walls. The fight created great interest in the neighbourhood. Both the boys were liked and respected and each had his own loyal fans.

What does Antonio’s thought about the tugboat tell you about him?

“Antonio admired the courage of a tugboat pulling a barge five times its welterweight size.” pulling a barge five times its welterweight size” which is the challenge of the ordeal of fighting his best friend. Antonio admires Felix’s courage of confronting the uncomfortable situation.

Which statement best describes how the conflict in Amigo Brothers is resolved the boys continue to fight after the final bell showing that they are strong the boys leave the ring together showing that they are still good friends the boys end the fight and agree to share the Golden Gloves?

The following statement best describes how the conflict in “Amigo Brothers” is resolved: The boys leave the ring together, showing that they are still good friends. Explanation: “Amigo Brothers” is a short-story written by Puerto-Rican Cuban author Piri Thomas.

Why does the boxing match take place in a park in Amigo brothers?

Why does the boxing match take place in the park? Because the crowd is so large. What does the description of the fight suggest about both boys? Both amigo brothers fought equally and skillfully.

What is the effect of time being described as heavy in paragraph 45 amigo brothers?

Answer: Antonio was passing some heavy time on his rooftop. This line means that Antonio was going through a tough time and was in a dilemma since he was wondering about the fate of his relationship with Felix post his fight the next day.

What have the two friends already accomplished as boxers?

What have the two friends already accomplished as boxers? They are both decorated boxers themselves. The two boys have different boxing styles and look different. Antonio is taller and lean.

What advantage does Antonio have as a boxer?

English 7H

Question Answer
Why do they collect Fight magazines, newspaper clippings, and tickets from boxing matches? They love boxing and know much about it.
What advantage does Antonio have over Felix? Reach
What causes problems between Felix and Antonio? They both want to win, but don’t want to hurt the other.

When Antonio and Felix went on a daily run what was always on their minds?

1)when Antonio and Felix went for their daily run, they had something on their minds . Each of them was wondering. b) how the fight might affect their friendship. 2) The training days passed too slowly because .

How did Felix finally figure out how do you prepare himself for the fight mentally?

Answer: Both Felix and Antonio have come to know that they have to fight an He imagined himself in the ring, blasting Antonio against the ropes. Prepare a write-up about the climax of the fight.

How was his doubt being dispelled?

Answer: If Felix had any doubt, it was being dispelled by the way Antonio was fighting and hitting back at him. Antonio was not pulling punches at all and neither was Felix himself.

What does a clean fight mean in this context?

(I want to see a) good clean fight: (I want to see) a fight in which the rules are followed. clean: washed, pure, not dirty; fair and honest; decent, not rude. adjective.

Do you think the fight that followed was clean?

Do you think the fight that followed was clean? Yes, the fight that followed was a clean fight as both fighters fought as hard as they could. They did not try to spare each other because they were friends. In fact, they were only concerned with putting up a good fight, so they did not even wait to hear the result.

How are the Amigo brothers different?

They are boxing fans and have trained for years in the sport. They are each other’s best sparring partners. Though they are completely different in their appearances (Antonio is lean and slick, while Felix is stocky and muscular), they both have the same training ethics and dreams of fighting greatness.

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