What is the possible cause for a decrease in ecosystem productivity?

What is the possible cause for a decrease in ecosystem productivity?

The answer is decrease in biodiversity. Ecosystem productivity is the growth rate of the organisms of that ecosystem. The biodiversity is an important determinant of ecosystem productivity.

Which mechanism do the different organism populations found across the tundra exemplify?

In the Tundra region, the diversity of the organisms present is high. Multiple different species of different organisms are present in these regions, which makes them a diverse area on the Earth. The mechanism responsible for these different populations is the species diversity.

Which role does the cane toad play in the Hawaiian Islands quizlet?

The cane toad, or Rhinella marina, was introduced to the Hawaiian Islands in 1932 by sugar cane farmers. The farmers released the toads in their crops to help control pests that were damaging the sugar cane.

How can an increase in biodiversity lead to an increase in ecosystem stability quizlet?

An increase in the biodiversity of an ecosystem leads to an increase in its productivity. TRUE. How can an increase in biodiversity lead to an increase in ecosystem stability? A more biodiverse ecosystem has a higher chance of adapting to species changes.

What might an increase in biodiversity lead to a decrease in the stability of an ecosystem?

Answer Expert Verified. if the biodiversity keeps on increasing and surpasses the carrying capacity, the stability of the ecosystem will be lost. This will be due to replenishing resources, increasing competition, difficulty in survival and less availability of food.

What are three possible long term consequences of two species occupying the same niche?

What are three possible long-term consequences of two species occupying the same niche? The species that is being excluded from the niche can either adapt in the long term to occupy another similar niche, migrate to a new area, or it can die out.

What happens when 2 niches overlap?

The competitive exclusion principle says that two species can’t coexist if they occupy exactly the same niche (competing for identical resources). Two species whose niches overlap may evolve by natural selection to have more distinct niches, resulting in resource partitioning.

Which of the following is a possible long-term consequence of two organisms?

When two organisms occupying the same niche, the possible long-term consequence is A. local extinction. This is because the relationship is competition which can outlast the other. Eventually, when the environment is changed, the organisms adapt too which erases the original attributes.

Is it beneficial for plants to have their seeds dispersed to reduce competition?

It is beneficial for plants to have their seeds dispersed to reduce competition. Explain how a bird eating fruit is an example of mutualism. The birds benefit from eating the fruit and the plant benefits by having its seeds dispersed. Two species occupying the same niche will be competing for the same food resource.

Which animal dispersed seeds the farthest?

Micronesian Starlings

Which seeds are dispersed by animals?

Examples include mangoes, guavas, breadfruit, carob, and several fig species. In South Africa, a desert melon (Cucumis humifructus) participates in a symbiotic relationship with aardvarks—the animals eat the fruit for its water content and bury their own dung, which contains the seeds, near their burrows.

What are 3 resources that plants compete for?

In general, nutrients, water and light are the three main classes of resources that limit plant growth and are considered to be resources for which individual plants compete.

Which one is complete parasite plant?

Host range Dodder (Cassytha spp., Cuscuta spp.) and red rattle (Odontites vernus) are generalist parasites. Other parasitic plants are specialists that parasitize a few or just one species.

What does allelopathy mean?

: the suppression of growth of one plant species by another due to the release of toxic substances.

What factors do plants compete for?

Plants compete for light, water, minerals and root space.

Is soil pH abiotic or biotic?

Examples of abiotic factors include: light intensity. temperature. soil pH.

What makes an animal a successful competitor?

The best competitors are the ones who survive and get to pass on their genes. Their progeny (offspring) will have an increased chance of survival because their parents out-competed their conspecifics.

Is food supply biotic or abiotic?

Biotic factors are the non-living factors that affect organisms – and therefore affect communities. Biotic factors include: Availability of food: when food is in short supply, animal struggle to survive.

Are Nuts biotic or abiotic?

Data: Thursday, January 16, 2013 Biotic Factors: Some of the Biotic factors present include flowers, wood chips, leaves, Soil, and Acorns/Nuts. Abiotic Factors: The abiotic Factors present in the transect include a concrete bench, walkway stones, quadrangle sign, metal lining soil and walkway, and fertilizer.

Is clouds abiotic or biotic?

Clouds are non-living things, hence clouds are abiotic.

What are the 7 abiotic factors?

In biology, abiotic factors can include water, light, radiation, temperature, humidity, atmosphere, acidity, and soil.

What are 3 biotic and abiotic factors?

Examples of abiotic factors are water, air, soil, sunlight, and minerals. Biotic factors are living or once-living organisms in the ecosystem. These are obtained from the biosphere and are capable of reproduction. Examples of biotic factors are animals, birds, plants, fungi, and other similar organisms.

What is the most important abiotic factor in an ecosystem?

The most important abiotic factors include water, sunlight, oxygen, soil and temperature. Water (H2O) is a very important abiotic factor – it is often said that “water is life.” All living organisms need water.

Is mold abiotic or biotic?

Mold is the fungi which is biotic. The abiotic is something which is non living but influence the living system.

Is oxygen level biotic or abiotic?

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the environment that can often have a major influence on living organisms. Abiotic factors include water, sunlight, oxygen, soil and temperature. Water (H2O) is a very important abiotic factor – it is often said that “water is life.” All living organisms need water.

Is an empty snail shell biotic or abiotic?

Here are the things that have biotic features: bacteria, dead leaves, mosquitoes, milk, hair, plastic, and an empty snail shell. On the other hand, the things that have abiotic features include the following: temperature, wind, sunlight, sand, and ice.

Is salad biotic or abiotic?

Answer Expert Verified Biotic is defined as the things which are derived from living organisms and the things which are not related to living organisms or not derived from living organisms are called abiotic. Steak, salad and grapes are taken or prepared by using the things of living organisms. Hence, they are biotic.

Is fingernails biotic or abiotic?

Fingernails are biotic as a finger nail is actually living considering a lot of cellular activities take place, but abiotic factors are normally sunlight, wind, water, and etc.

Is Athlete’s Foot a biotic or abiotic factor?

Athlete’s Foot is a fungal infection affecting the skin between the toes. Athlete’s Foot is a biotic factor because it is an alive, growing thing that affects other living things.

Are molds biotic?

Mold is Biotic, as it has all 6 of the scientific Characteristics for a living things. Mold reproduces through spores, and needs energy through organic matter. It also has cellular repair, and can be either multi cellular or single celled.

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