
What is the president most important power?

What is the president most important power?

The Constitution explicitly assigns the president the power to sign or veto legislation, command the armed forces, ask for the written opinion of their Cabinet, convene or adjourn Congress, grant reprieves and pardons, and receive ambassadors.

What is the hierarchy of the executive branch?

The Executive Branch consists of the President, Vice President, the 15 department or cabinet-level agencies, the agencies that fall under each department, and the independent agencies and government corporations. A tree structure of how the top branches and departments of the U.S. federal government are organized.

How does the Parliament keep a control over the executive?

The Parliament keeps a day-to-day watch over the activities of the Executive. As ours is a parliamentary system of Government, the Executive is responsible to the Parliament for all acts of omissions and commissions. The Parliament may remove a Cabinet out of power by a vote of no confidence.

Does the parliament control the executive?

Executive Powers and Functions In India, political executive is a part of the parliament. Parliament exerts control over the executive through procedural devices such as question hour, zero hour, calling attention motion, adjournment motion, half-an-hour discussion, etc.

How is the prime minister’s authority kept under check?

The Union Executive: The Cabinet And Council Of Ministers. Mention one way by which the authority of the Prime Minister can be checked? The press and public opinion act as effective checks on Prime Minister’s authority.

How can the people keep a check on the representatives?

Answer:The people can keep a check on their representative by watching their activities,whether they are doing right or wrong. If the elected person do wrong then the people will not vote for them in the next election.

How does the Parliament keep a check and control over the government?

The Parliament exercises control over the executive through question hour, zero hours, half an hour discussion, short duration discussion, calling attention motion, adjournment motion, no-confidence motion, censure motion, and other discussions. Parliamentary control is also exercised through its power of ratification.

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