What is the price iPhone 4S?

What is the price iPhone 4S?

Apple iPhone 4S Price in India

Product Name Price in India
Apple iPhone 4S (16GB) – Black ₹ 6,999
Apple iPhone 4S (32GB) – Black ₹ 9,999
Apple iPhone 4S (32GB) – White ₹ 12,500

What is the value of an iPhone 4?

Best Selling iPhone 4 Models July 2021

Phone Carrier Avg Price Sold
iPhone 4, 8 GB $35
iPhone 4, 16 GB $22
iPhone 4, 32 GB $30
iPhone 4, 64 GB

How much is a broken iPhone Worth?

If you have a larger storage size device, then it will likely be worth more. The broken iPhone values appear to be worth about one-third less or half the value of comparable devices in good condition. For example, trading in an iPhone 6 in good condition will get you about $300.

Are broken phones worth anything?

Yes! Even if your phone is broken it can still be worth a significant amount of money. Phones are very expensive devices. If you break your phone it may still have significant value.

Is it safe to sell broken iPhone?

You can sell your iPhone with a cracked screen for cold, hard cash. Professional refurbishing companies buy up cracked iPhones in bulk and replace the screens for much cheaper than Apple can. That means your cracked iPhone is actually worth quite a bit of money.

What is a broken iPhone 7 worth?

Find out how much a broken iPhone 7 is worth

iPhone 7 32 GB $92
iPhone 7 128 GB $102
iPhone 7 256 GB $112
iPhone 7 Plus 32 GB $112

Can I sell an iPhone that doesn’t turn on?

Whether it’s a shattered screen, a broken button, a dead battery, or an iPhone that just won’t turn on period, you can still sell it for some extra cash that can subsidize the cost of a new iPhone, however much that may be.

Where can I sell a dead iPhone?

SellBroke is truly the best company to sell broken iPhones to. See why: We pay top dollar for broken iPhones and other broken smartphones. Other places try to pay as little as possible for broken iPhones.

How much does it cost to replace glass on iPhone 7?

All fees are in US dollars and are subject to tax. A $ 6.95 shipping fee will be added if we need to ship your iPhone and it isn’t covered under warranty or an AppleCare+ plan….iPhone screen replacement costs in the United States.

iPhone 7 Screen repair (out of warranty)
iPhone 7 Plus $ 169
iPhone 7 $ 149

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