What is the price of salvage copper?

What is the price of salvage copper?

Scrap Metal Prices Per Pound:

Metal Price, $ / lb.
Bare Bright Copper Wire $3.50-$3.80/lb Request mine
#1 Copper Tubing / Bus Bar $3.40-$3.70/lb Request mine
#2 Copper Tubing / Bus Bar $3.20-$3.55/lb Request mine

How much is clean scrap copper worth?

Scrap Metal Scrap Price Updated Price Date
Copper National Average $3.34/lb Updated 07/17/2021
Steel National Average $171.00/ton Updated 07/17/2021
Aluminum National Average $0.53/lb Updated 07/17/2021

Is copper worth scrapping?

Bare Bright copper must be stripped of any fittings or insulation as well as uncoated and unalloyed. Overall, your time is spent wisely by scrapping non-ferrous metals because these three metals, aluminum, brass, and copper are priced high enough to make your time scrapping worth it.

What is copper worth per pound?

How much is copper worth per pound in California?

Metal Price Per Pound
Aluminum $1.12
Brass $1.74
Copper $3.99
Iron $1.03

How much can I sell copper wire for?

For 12-gauge wire average price is a $1.30 per lb. the way it is with insulation, that would translate in to $130.00 for your 100lbs of 12-gauge wire, without stripping it.

How much is recycled copper wire worth?

See the types of metal scrap we accept:

Bare Bright Copper Wire Copper wire that is not corroded or burned and must be shiny in its appearance. No contamination in any form. Must be thicker than a pencil lead. (10 Ga.) $3.50-$3.80/lb Request mine
Aluminum Copper Coil $1.10-$1.40/lb Request mine

How much is insulated copper wire worth?

See Current Copper Cable Scrap Prices

(Last Modified: July 9th, 2021, 10:40 am)
Metal/Material Current Price
Insulated Copper Wire (Cat 5/6) $1.20/lb
THHN Cable $2.52/lb
Insulated Cable $2.77/lb

What’s the difference between #1 and #2 copper wire?

Scrap Copper Tubing #2 Scrap copper #2 tubing is different than copper number one tubing in a many ways. The most noticeable difference between the two classifications of scrap copper is that copper #2 tubing does not have a shiny look to it.

How much is a pound of metal worth?

Scrap Metal Prices

Type Price Per Lb.
Clean Brass Radiators $1.00
Aluminum/Copper Coil (Clean) $0.78
Aluminum/Copper Coil (Dirty) $0.68
Copper Yokes $0.25

How many aluminum cans does it take to make $100?

At stated CRV value of $0.05/can, you’d need $100/$0.05=2000 cans to get $100.

What can you do with old tire rims?

If your tires and rims are still in good condition, selling them is a good option for disposal….When it comes to tires, here are your best options:

  1. Sell them to a local tire shop. When you get your new tires, you can often sell your old ones while you’re at it.
  2. Sell your tires online.
  3. Sell tires where you recycle them.

Are steel rims considered short steel?

Steel is recycled in various forms; “short steel” is a term used to identify a type of steel scrap commonly accepted for recycling. Other types include steel mill scale, steel can scrap, manganese steel scrap, steel siding and steel wheel rim scrap.

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