What is the problem in Bartholomew and the Oobleck?
In the beginning of the story, Bartholomew is dealing with a problem inside the castle: namely, the King’s giant stinkin’ ego. But very quickly, the problem escalates and turns into an outside problem, raining down oobleck all over the kingdom.
What story is Oobleck from?
Bartholomew and the Oobleck
How do you make Oobleck?
To make oobleck, you’ll need just a few simple ingredients: water, corn starch, and food coloring. In a large bowl, add a few drops of food coloring to a cup of water. Slowly stir in a cup and a half to two cups of corn starch until the mixture forms a gooey slime.
How long will Oobleck last?
Oobleck is great for days of play. To store, put oobleck in an airtight container and refrigerate. You may need to add a splash or two of water to get the desired consistency again. Store and reuse for up to two weeks of fun.
Can Oobleck be saved?
To store oobleck let it dry out in a bin open to the air, then refresh it with water when ready to use again. I tried storing it in an airtight container and after few days it spoiled.
Can u eat Oobleck?
Luckily, the gooey substance is not toxic, but it probably won’t taste good since it’s just cornstarch and water. As one individual pointed out on Yahoo Answers, while eating oobleck may not be poisonous, it could potentially give someone pains in their stomach if large quantities are ingested.
How do you explain Oobleck to a child?
Oobleck is a mixture of a solid (corn starch) suspended in a liquid (water). Oobleck behaves like a solid when force is acted on it quickly. This is because the pressure forces all the particles of corn starch together and they behave like a solid.
How do you dispose of Oobleck?
Do not dispose of oobleck in a sink. Discard in a trash bag. Allow oobleck to dry on surfaces and then sweep up the corn starch powder. You can use a plastic tablecloth or trash bag to protect surfaces if you do this activity inside.
How does Oobleck behave?
Oobleck is a suspension of cornstarch and water that can behave like a solid or a liquid depending on how much pressure you apply. Try to grab some in your hand, and it will form a solid ball in your palm until you release the pressure. Then, it will flow out between your fingers.
What happens if you slap Oobleck?
Oobleck doesn’t quite follow the rules, this suspension only behaves as a fluid some of the time. For this reason oobleck is known as a non-Newtonian Fluid. If you apply a force to it by smacking or squeezing it this fluid will become a solid.