What is the proper way to file documents?

What is the proper way to file documents?

Filing your documents alphabetically is a simple and time-proven system. The name of each file folder corresponds to the name of each document. Many businesses use hanging file folders with tabs or sturdy preprinted file drawer dividers to separate the folders under each alphabetical heading.

What are the 5 basic filing steps?

The five basic filing steps are conditioning, releasing, indexing and coding, sorting, and storing and filing. Conditioning is essentially prepping the paperworkto be filed.

How do you organize a filing system?

Steps to make a filing system more functional

  1. Determine how you want to retrieve the files.
  2. Label each hanging and manila folders.
  3. Stick with the same labeling system.
  4. Leave space in the drawer for new files.
  5. Lay the paper in the folders so you can see the tabs.
  6. Find a filing cabinet that will hold all your files.

What is a good filing system?

Simplicity: The filing system should be simple and not too elaborate. Accessibility: A good filing system should be arranged in such a way that the records are easily available whenever required. The filing system should allow the insertion of additional documents without disturbing the existing order of files.

What are the two types of filing?

There are 2 main methods of filing, which are Loose Leaf method and secondly, the Collective method. Documents are filed individually in a normal file, holes are punched in the documents and then they are filed. Documents can be filed and de-filed very easily.

What are the two most common filing techniques?

You have two basic methods: straight filing and draw filing.

How do you start a filing system?

Creating a File System

  1. Create a Basic Outline. Before you even touch your files, start by creating a basic outline of what records you have and how you want them to be organized.
  2. Create Detailed Sub-Categories.
  3. Begin Creating Files for Each Category.
  4. Use Color Coding for Different Main Categories.
  5. File Your Papers.

What are the modern methods of filing?

Explain the two system of modern filing system.

  • Modern Filing System.
  • Horizontal Filing System: Horizontal Filing system is a modern type of filing.
  • Flat file: A flat file is made of cardboard or thick paper.
  • Arch Lever File:
  • Advantage:
  • Disadvantage:
  • Vertical System of Filling:
  • Advantages:

What are filing methods?

There are 5 methods of filing: Filing by Subject/Category. Filing in Alphabetical order. Filing by Numbers/Numerical order. Filing by Places/Geographical order.

What is modern filing system?

The horizontal filing system is a modern type of filing where the documents or letters are chronologically placed in folders one upon another in a horizontal or flat position. The latest documents are placed on top and the oldest at the bottom in the folder.

What do you mean by vertical filing?

Vertical Filing. The act of keeping folders in a drawer in a standing position with the support of one another is called vertical filing. It is such type of filing under which folders are arranged in a upright position.

What are the advantages of vertical filing?

Advantages of Vertical Filing

  • The files can be easily referred without much difficulty.
  • There is no disturbing of other papers or letters than desired.
  • Insertion or withdrawal of any papers or letters is done without much wastage of time and effort.
  • The cost of folders is very cheap.

What is alphabetical filing method?

Alphabetical filing is a method in which files and folders are arranged in order of alphabets of the names of person or institution concerned with such file. In cases where the names of more than one person starts with same letter then second letter of name is taken into consideration, then third and so on.

What is the difference between horizontal filing and vertical filing?

Horizontal filings are arranged in horizontal position. Vertical filings are arranged in vertical position. Under this method, papers or documents are in loose position. It is not flexible because it cannot hold a large numbers of documents.

What is a horizontal file?

The Horizontal filing indicates the horizontal position of files. The papers, documents and letters are kept in a horizontal or flat position in such a way that one on the top of another.

Which method is suitable for large office?

Horizontal filing method is suitable for large office. The horizontal filing system is a modern type of filing where the documents or letters are chronologically placed in folders one upon another in a horizontal or flat position.

What is geographical filing system?

Geographical filing is a method in which files are grouped according to the geographical location of firm, organization or person. Under this method, name of places are written in file and are arranged in drawer either in alphabetical or numerical order – whichever is suitable for the organization.

Who uses geographic filing system?

A geographic filing system arranges files alphabetically or numerically based on geographic location. This method of filing correspondence is popular in the sales field and has been used by the U.S. Navy.

What are the classification of files?

Classification of Files:

  • Alphabetical Classification.
  • Numerical Classification.
  • Geographical Classification.
  • Subject Classification and.
  • Chronological Classification.

What is subject filing method?

Subject filing is a process of arranging and filing records according to their content or. subject matters concerned. The purpose is to bring together all records on the same subject which enhances file integrity and completeness, and facilitates information retrieval and use.

How do I file a chronological order?

In Chronological filing, files and folders of documents are arranged in order of their date, day, and time. This sequence can be according to their date of receipt, or date and time of their creation with the most recent date in front of or on top of the previous items.

What are the disadvantages of alphabetical filing?

Disadvantages of Alphabetical Filing

  • More misfiling occurrences than in numerical systems.
  • Name changes can cause problems with retrieval.
  • It becomes inefficient and cumbersome in large systems.
  • Unauthorized persons can easily find records.

What is file arrangement?

Files are used for storing the Information of the user. Generally for arranging all the Files directories or Folders are used. A Folder or Directory is also called as the Container of the Files in which many Sub directors and Files are Stored.

How do I organize my documents in alphabetical order?

Sorting Folder Contents

  1. Right-click in an open area of the details pane and select Sort By from the pop-up menu.
  2. Select how you want to sort: Name, Date Modified, Type, or Size.
  3. Select whether you want the contents sorted in Ascending or Descending order.

How do I organize files in Windows 10?

How to Organize Folders and Files in Windows

  1. Click to highlight the folder or file to move.
  2. Click the Home tab.
  3. Move the folder or file by clicking Move to.
  4. Click Choose location if the desired folder isn’t listed.
  5. Choose the destination folder, and then click Move.

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